Chapter 1

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"Are you gonna listen to us today, Y/n?"


"Alright well, I'll take that as a yes. It's rumored that you might know the whereabouts of Sal Fisher. Is that true?"

"He's dead."

"That's what we've been told, but evidence shows that that might not be the case. Is there something you know that we don't?"


August - 1992  {Y/n Pov}
The room was dark and smelled of old, moldy carpet. A thin layer of water covered the floor beneath me. I looked around; nothing, then  started to walk in one direction but I seemed to be making little to no progress. That was until I was met with a strange figure.

"Hello?" The figure just stood there, no movements, no sounds just motionless. Nothing in response. I inch closer to the person to try and reach out to tap their shoulder. Their head snapped around a full 180 degrees, startling me in the process. I lost my balance and fell onto the floor. The figure then approached  me slowly and said, "You need to save them, save them all Y/n. There is no room for failure..."

Then it faded into a black mist and vanished. Before I could bring myself to stand again, a black shadowy hand emerged from the dark and grabbed my ankle, dragging me into the black abyss. Then another hand, and another. I tried to scream, but no sound left my mouth. Something clearly didn't want me to be found. I kicked and struggled to break free even though I knew there was no point. The arms dragged me further until I saw a pit in the floor nearing. I looked around for something to hold onto to avoid the inevitable but couldn't find not one thing.

The arms let go and I quickly scrambled to my feet backing away to avoid falling in. Once I gathered myself, I studied the pit and noticed writhing surrounding the circumference. It read "Devourers of God." Seconds later, the sudden shake of the floor made me lose my balance once more causing me to fall into the pit. Still I couldn't scream nor utter a single sound. As I neared the bottom a bright green light made its way to my eyes through the darkness. The light flickered at a slow pace, then sped up the more I approached it until it went out completely.

I landed hard onto the floor. Picking my head up, I looked around and found a gearboy In front of me. This was odd considering I didn't own one so it wasnt mine. I placed a hand on it and it started to glow a stagnant green again. But before I could pick it up, a blood curdling scream rang in my ears, gearboy started flashing again, then everything went black.

I awoke in a cold sweat and found myself the next morning on the floor with an open box in front of me. I guess I must've fallen asleep while unpacking. I got up from the uncomfortable position and made my way over to the bathroom. Rob was still asleep on the couch from the night before and practically falling off of it. I laughed to myself and entered the bathroom to start my morning, or should I say midday, routine.

Not only do I have problems with sleeping but I also developed a habit of dissociating once in a while. I'd like to think of it as slipping into another world while having your body remain in the physical plane. At that point I let my mind run with either normal thoughts or disturbing ones like; what school will I be going to, I wonder what kind of people these kids are, and I wonder if the lunch food is any good?

I get lucky when my thoughts are on the downlow and don't disrupt my daily life. Speaking of daily life, today was the day for food shopping and getting some stuff for the apartment. I spit out the toothpaste and quickly wash my face then head out back to my room to get dressed. I grabbed the first items of clothing I found and slipped them on. Mid length shorts, a graphic-T, and a hoodie. Well, minus the hoodie, I forgot it's like 90 degrees out right now.

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