Chapter 5

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Headcanon - Larry is Hispanic

"I guess I just didn't think it would turn out like this. I had my whole life ahead of me... with you. And now you're dead and I-"

"Y/n? Who are you talking to?"


"Oh honey... you forgot your meds again, didn't you?"

"Y-yeah. I did."

Beep beep beep

If sounds could give you PTSD it would be the sound of an alarm going off at 6am. That's enough to give somebody war flashbacks. I reluctantly sat up in bed and turned off the alarm and stared at the wall for a bit. I ended up not sleeping a wink last night and taking really long blinks can only get you so far. Since I was already up, the process of leaving the bed was a short one. I dragged on my planned outfit from the night before and waddled to the bathroom. Looking at myself in the mirror; a dead corpse staring back at me.

My eyebags could hold my school supplies. There wasn't enough concealer in the world to fix these. First day of school and all of the kids who see me will think I'm a zombie. I applied generous amounts of concealer to my under eye and blended like my life depended on it. By the time I was done, it was just about 6:30. The bus for school arrives at 6:55 since the apartments are the first in line for kid pick up. You would think because the town is so small the bus would come later but it turns out a good 65% of the school takes the bus so that means more pickups.

I walked into the kitchen for a quick bite to eat. A bowl of cereal will do just the trick. After breakfast, I made my way over to Rob's room to let him know I was leaving. He was still asleep so I opted to leave a note instead. Then I got on my shoes, grabbed my bag, and left the apartment. By now it was around 6:50 so hopefully I won't have to wait for the bus for too long. As I walked towards the elevators, I couldn't help but pause outside of Sal's apartment. A part of me wanted to ask if we could walk down together but, maybe that would have been a bit weird or, maybe he has a ride or something and doesn't nee- "Y/n? What are you doing here?"

Damn it.

"Um, I was just uh, walking by and got a little side tracked?" That was the worst lie I've told in all my life, and I consider myself to be a good lair."Sidetracked? Outside of my apartment?" he said in a cocky tone. Fuck you, Sal. If he wasnt so damn- forget it. Fantasies later. "Well, okay fine. I was contemplating asking if you wanted to head down to the bus stop together but then It occurred to me that maybe you didn't need to take the bus and that you could get a ride instead." I looked down at my shoes kind of embarrassed and tried to avoid eye contact. He closed the door behind him and started to head towards the elevators.

"Well, are you coming?" He asked

I snapped out of my thoughts and caught up to him. He pressed the button and we rode down together in silence. I wouldn't say it was awkward, but it definitely wasn't comfortable. But then he spoke up. "I actually do get a ride sometimes. Ever since Larry turned 17, he's been abusing his power of getting his license before me and would brag by offering me a ride to school and other places. Honestly, I don't know why I say yes every time."

"Why's that?"

"He drives like a maniac. I'm surprised I'm still alive after the multiple car crashes we've almost gotten ourselves into. So every once in a while I take the safer option, the bus."I laughed and shook my head. That definitely sounds like something Larry would do. Turns out he's more chaotic than I thought. "That's fair." We stepped out of the elevator and made our way outside. With it now being September, a cold breeze passed by making me shiver a bit. We waited for what seemed like hours until the bus arrived. In reality it was only 5 minutes.

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