Chapter 52

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Author's PoV:

Ashiya woke up for Fajr the next day and found herself unable to sleep after that. Therefore, she decided to accompany Ahan on his walk. "I wanna go on a walk," she announced and Ahan looked at her funnily. "I can't sleep," she added after looking at his expression.

"Okay," he shrugged and let her tag along. He decided to take her to the park nearby thinking that the swing set there would make her happy and he was proved right as Ashiya hopped on the swing as soon as she found it. "I thought you wanted to walk," he teased and received a sheepish smile.

He then worked out for some time, doing push ups and squats, letting his wife ogle him and his oh so perfect form. His subconscious beamed at him as he side eyed her blushing cheeks and took his jacket off to show off more of his well built muscles. Ashiya drooled. He flexed his biceps and she almost gasped when turned to her and winked. She scolded herself for being caught red handed.

After an hour of flirting and making his wife flush with shyness, Ahan finally decided to stop. He walked to where Ashiya was and smiled. "You can stare at me without blushing, you know," he teased.

"Let's go take a walk," Ashiya jumped and started walking ahead of him to avoid speaking on the subject and embarrass herself. Ahan smiled at her innocence. It took him only a couple of long strides to match up to her pace and take her hand in his. They were so small in comparison to his large ones. "Woh dekho," she suddenly exclaimed as she pointed towards an ice cream truck. "I want ice cream." She didn't even wait for his reply and started to run in the direction of the truck.

Ahan followed her and caught her arm, making her halt. "You'll catch a cold," he warned but she just waved him off.

"I won't," she shook her head but he eyed her sternly. "Please, Ahan. Pretty please," she pouted and looked at him, pleading with her big beautiful eyes that she knew he couldn't resist. He sighed. He knew she was doing that on purpose but he was too smitten to deny her anything.

"Only one scoop," he said, making Ashiya nod like a child. He loved it when she behaved like that.

They continued their walk after Ashiya got herself a scoop of peanut butter fudge core. She seemed like she was tasting heaven as she kept commenting on how good it tasted. She also talked about a lot of other stuff, like how it was unfair to not let lightweight adults use the slides and seesaws that were in the park. She talked about squirrels that kept running around them, carrying their food to their dreys. It didn't matter to her if she was making sense. With Ahan, she felt safe enough to talk rubbish and fear no judgement.

"Why do you always eat leaves?" she questioned him out of the blue, confusing him.

"I don't," he chucked. "Well I try to eat green veggies as much as possible but I also eat meat, boiled ones." Ashiya scrunched her nose and took a big bite of her ice cream. "You do want your husband to be strong and healthy, don't you?"

"Of course, but that doesn't mean that you have to restrain yourself from all the delicious food around you. How can you even live like that? Don't you ever feel the urge to cheat on your diet?" She couldn't help but ask him that. She had always felt weird to see him eating tasteless food when he could afford to eat all the delicacies of the world.

"Hmm," Ahan looked away and the sun rays directly hit his pale face, his perfect features and shiny hair. There was sweat on his forehead due to the workout session but it still didn't make him look one bit tired. He stayed quiet for a few seconds before he spoke. "I was an obese kid," his voice came out low. "I was bullied for being overweight when I was in school. I was even diagnosed with anorexia when I went abroad for my studies."

Ashiya stood silent for some time. She bit her lip as she felt guilty. She shouldn't have said those things to him, she thought. "I'm sorry," she put her face on his shoulder.

"For what?" he asked casually. "It was a long time ago. And no, I'm not anorexic anymore," he answered her unvoiced question. He seemed pretty unfazed. "I could have stayed like that and become unhealthy but I decided to change for the better. I'm not saying that obesity is a sin or something but for me, I didn't want to stay like that. I decided to hit the gym and worked on my diet. Now, Alhamdulillah, I am perfectly fit," he stepped closer and whispered in her ear, "and sexy."

Ashiya slapped his chest and stared at him. He was one beautiful man. Her beautiful man. "I'm still sorry for what you went through. I understand since I have also been bullied. It's the worst thing. Nobody deserves it." She lowered her head as she remembered her school days.

"What were you bullied for?" Ahan asked, his voice a mixture of anger and curiosity. He had always seen Ashiya as an epitome of confidence. He respected the way she carried herself. Her chirpy attitude was initially too much for him but now he only adored her for however and whatever she was. 

Ashiya laughed a humourless laugh. "My skin colour," she shrugged as if it was an obvious fact. Ahan's jaw clenched. His wife was dusky skinned. He had always loved her colour. He loved her when she stood in sunshine and glowed. He loved her when she looked at the moon, admiring it and letting him admire her as the moonlight kissed her brown tone, making him jealous and awestruck at the same time. He loved her and everything that made her.

"I'm sorry," he touched her head and once again Ashiya felt safe. His hand on her head was his way of promising to never hurt her and always protect her in every way possible and she understood it. "I hope you're aware that you're beautiful enough to have me wrapped around your finger." 

Ashiya laughed, this time, real laugh.

"So what did you do when you were abroad? I heard that you had a part time job?" She wanted to know more about him.

"I did my masters in business and commerce while I was in Canada. I worked as a waiter in an Italian restaurant. A friend of mine offered me a job in his father's company and I took it. By Allah's mercy, I was able to earn and save some money which I invested in the share market. Earned lots of profits and invested more, enough to start my own business here."

Ashiya listened intently as he talked. She was reminded of the time when Arhan had told her about how his brother was a hardworking man. She now understood why he had said so. "So you're rich ha? I knew I hit a jackpot when I said yes to you," she joked, making him raise an eyebrow.

"Ain't you a little gold digger?" He faked a shocked expression.

"Of course," she shrugged, "why else do you think I married you, Mr Rahaman?"

"Is that so?" his eyes pierced her own as he smirked. She nodded and the next moment, he saw her running, giggling as he ran after her.




"Hey," Ahan called, making Ashiya stop on her way to the bathroom. "Weren't you going to give me a surprise last night?" He had suddenly remembered that she was going to show him something.

Ashiya stood dumbfounded. She couldn't tell him about it now. It was over. The moment was gone and she no longer had the courage to wear that. "Oh, it was nothing important." She smiled and saw him frown. "I have to take a shower now," she quickly entered the bathroom and closed the door, not giving him a chance to question any further.


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