Chapter 54

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A long chapter to compensate for the long delay in update 😅 I hope you guys forgive me 🙏

Ashiya's PoV:

Luxury greeted me as I entered the room of the five star hotel that Mr. Richie Rich aka my husband had booked for us. There was a round bed with walls painted white, and the roof that looked like it was made of wood but I'm pretty sure it wasn't. There were two sofas just at the foot of the bed, facing the glass doors that gave way to the mesmerising view of the private pool and the sea. It was all too magical to process. One moment, I was in my living room with my laptop, stressing over work, and the next, I was boarding a plane to go to the Maldives.

To say that I was flabbergasted when Ahan broke the news of our exotic holiday to me would be an understatement. I stood with my jaw almost dropped, too stunned to speak. Ahan literally had to pinch me to make me come back to my senses. He didn't even give me enough time to pack a lot of clothes. "You won't be needing clothes for the things we'll do there," he had said with a wink.

I shook my head as I walked to stand near the door. The sea breeze brushed my cheeks and I took my hijab off to let my hair feel the air. I was wearing a sleeveless navy blue jumpsuit with a grey denim jacket over it. I got so lost in enjoying the view that I failed to notice Ahan entering the room. I almost jumped when he hugged me from behind and kissed my hair.

"I hope you like the view," he spoke and I turned to face him, encircling my arms around his neck. "I figured we both needed a honeymoon since we haven't been on one after our marriage, thanks to you."

I giggled at the sarcasm his voice held and made him narrow his eyes. "I love it," I grinned, kissing his cheek, "and I love you." He smirked and captured my lips in a sweet kiss.

We parted when his phone started ringing and he answered. "Yes," he kissed my head silently as he continued the call. His lips then descended to my cheeks, nose and chin and settled on my neck. I was breathing hard, watching him multitask. A gasp almost escaped my mouth but his hand managed to muffle it. He slid down my jacket and bit my shoulder with his phone still against his ear. I let out a cry but it got lost and never made it outside the prison of his palm. After a torture of good five minutes, he finally let me go and disconnected the call. I panted hard when he freed my mouth, and earned a satisfied look from him. He looked proud of the mess he created. "I have some work," his thumb grazed my lips, "I'll be back in an hour or two. If you need anything, call Riddhima. I've sent her contact number to your phone." He pecked my lips for the last time before leaving with a smile.

I had just had my lunch when I decided to call Riddhima to take me somewhere where I could kill time. Ahan was still not back so I had to do something in order to save myself from dying out of boredom.

Riddhima and I went out to explore the beach where we saw people belonging from different races, genders, age groups and ethnicities present. They were all busy devouring the beauty of the place. The atmosphere was relaxing and radiant.

I made small talk with Riddhima and learned a few things about her. She was an East Indian, and the middle child of her parents. She was also the youngest employee in her company. "When I joined the company, there were many seniors who criticised Mr. Rahman for hiring someone so young and trusting someone with basically no previous experience but he didn't budge. He told me that he saw potential in me. He is a great leader. He guides us all like we're his family. It's an honour for his employees to be working under him," she spoke and took a sip of her strawberry mojito. I nodded and smiled as any wife would on hearing her husband being praised. I knew Ahan had great leadership qualities. He was a man of principles. His life was one of discipline. Sometimes I wonder if I even deserved a guy like him.

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