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Rian's pov


Drew hasn't stopped calling since I walked out of his apartment that day. I was on the verge of blocking him but decided against it.

Klay told me to not stress like the doctor said but it was hard not to. For the past few days he had been different though. He wasn't the same guy I met when I had just arrived at Hana's all those weeks back.

It was like old Klay was making his way back. The Klay I knew.

Hanna on the other hand never apologized for telling Drew about the baby and I still haven't brought it up. Klay tells me to but I don't. I wasn't interested in starting anything so I pretended not to know.

Hana made plans for me, her and Tess to have a girls night out. I didn't want to go but she insisted I even told her I wouldn't be able to drink anything and she said I didn't need to.

So that's how we ended up at a bar a while away from home. With her and Tess drunk and dancing around sloppily with strangers they'd never see again after tonight.

An hour later, Tess walks over to me before sitting next to me. She stares at me for a minute or two before I ask."Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You're hot."she says bluntly. My eyes go wide and I gape at her.

"Uhm uh t-thanks?"I stutter.

"So you're really pregnant huh?"she asks.

"Yeah."I say solemnly.

"You don't seem to be happy about it." Tess says, placing a hand on my knee."Do you not want it."

"I am. I do" Was I? Did I really? Or do I want to keep it because I have to" It just caught me by surprise."

She looks at me before tilting her head to the side." So who's the dad."she pauses" Is it Klay?"

"God no."I answered quickly. This causes her to lift a brow at me." It's my asshole ex."


We stayed sited watching Hana dance with a stranger. She looked happy and carefree. I wanted to be her right now so bad.

"It's kinda sad." Tess says, taking a sip of her drink.

"What is?"I ask.

"I kinda thought I had a shot with you but I guess that's never gonna happen."I stay silent as she gets up and walks away.

Well damn.


I head home alone, dropping Tess at a friend's while Hans spent the night with some dude she met at the bar.Klay sat on the couch flipping through channels while munching on some chips.I walk over and sit tossing Hana's car keys onto the as I let out an exasperated sigh.

"Fun night?"he asks, not looking away from the screen.

"For Hana and Tess I guess."I say stealing his snacks.

"You didn't have any fun,did you?"he finally looks at me.

"Nope."I say.

"Huh and here I thought you and Tess would hit it off."he says casually.

"I already told you. I ain't gay Klay."I snap.

"I didn't mean it like that."he says, glancing at me shortly.

We watched some random show for a couple of hours. Gentle rains hit the roof and droplets ran down the kitchen windows..

...I wanna see her, you can't keep me from her..

A harsh gust of wind blows causing a tree branch to slam against the window repetitively.

... Stop it




A loud clap of thunder brings me out of the memory that had made its way to the front of my mind. I sigh, wiping my hands over my face.

"You okay?"Klay asks.

"Yeah."My voice comes out shaky and he looks at me unconvinced but doesn't push for any further explanation.

"Do you ever wonder why we go through some shit?"it slips out of my mouth before I can stop myself.

"Yes."he says.We stay silent for a while before he finally speaks up. "What happened to you, Rian?"

My eyes flutter closed as I exhale a shaky breath. "Life happened."

I can feel him looking at me. Trying to figure me out and it scares me it scares me because sooner or later he'll find out.

"Rian?"he calls out gently.

"I lost her Klay. I lost my baby. Liana was my everything and like always I messed up. I fucked up and due to my carelessness she ended up dead Klay."the words flow out of my mouth like and endless river.

"Liana?"he questions. He didn't know about her. He wasn't there. I wished he would've been. Maybe things would've been way different.

"My daughter"I feel him freeze before he places a hand on my shoulder.

"Oh."he says slowly.

"Liana was my beautiful angel and I-." The rain gets louder, pelting harshly on to the roof. I shiver slightly, wrapping my hands around myself."She wanted to go see her. She wanted to go see Lora. She begged me and I denied her and she tried to leave Klay she tried to leave and-"

Memories of that night rush to the front of my mind causing my heart to ache. I feel a teardrop down my cheek and wipe it quickly. I didn't know why I told him that. I didn't know how he would take it but I just needed him to know. I just needed someone to understand.

To tell me it wasn't my fault.

After a few short seconds of silence I get up from the couch heading for my room before I pause letting out one more harsh truth.

"I should have let her go to her that night ."

"Go to who Rian?"he asks, his tone low.

"Her real mom." My voice comes out as a brief whisper and I wasn't sure if he had heard me as I rushed up the stairs towards my room. Shutting it behind me and finally after all was said the dam broke and I cried because that's all I could do.

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