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Rian's pov


Klay and I don't speak about last night's incident and I spend the next hours of my morning scrolling through baby videos aimlessly.

Klay walks into the kitchen moments later. He is dressed in a dark hoodie and jeans. His hair is hidden behind a beanie.

He grabs an apple from the fruit bowl before hopping onto the counter taking a bite of the apple. He looks my way, raising an eyebrow at the content displayed on my laptop screen.

I expect him to ask or make some joke about it but he doesn't. "We're heading out in five."he just says simply.

I frown looking up from my screen."Hana ain't home."

"I meant you and me."he said, coming to stand next to me.

"Uhh okay?"I said softly."Where to?"

"You'll see."

"And you should go get changed."he says, analyzing my outfit for a short moment.

"What's wrong with what I have on?"I ask, looking down at my dress.

"I prefer you being in more comfortable clothes for where we're going."he answers vaguely.

I sigh heading to my room and quickly changing into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

"Hurry up Ri."he yells from downstairs. I consider putting on makeup but decide against it.

He's out the door when I get back. I walk outside to find him standing by his car. We get in and he quickly drives off. Something catches my eye. I turn to look at the back seats and see two pairs of skates.

"Are you serious? I'm supposed to be careful with the baby Klay"I say, eyes examining his facial expression.


"You're taking me skating." I say it slowly. "That literally screams danger."

"As long as you don't fall."

"And if I do?"

"I'll be there to catch you."I go silent after that, watching the trees blur together as we drive by. He messes with the radio for a second before an unfamiliar song starts playing. We reach the rink by the end of the next three songs.

He gets out before coming over to my side of the door, opening it for me and stretching his hand for me to take. I shake my head with a silly smile on my face as I grab his hand getting out as well.

He grabs the skates and we head Inside."So, is this a date or something?" I say jokingly.

"Maybe it is."he answers swiftly, catching me off guard. He chuckles at my surprised look, putting his skates on and getting on the rink, me following shortly after.

It takes a couple of seconds for me to get the hang of it and when I almost fall over Klay catches my hand before straightening up my posture.

"I told you I would catch you." He says smugly. A deep blush settles on my cheeks and I start wishing the ground would swallow me up.

His smirk grows wider at that. "Shall we."

He grabs me by the waist from behind me as we skate along the edge of the rink. After a few seconds, he switches position coming in front of me and skating backwards. His right hand held my cheek while his left held my waist with a vice grip.

We stared at each other for a moment as we came to a stop. His eyes don't leave mine and for a moment they glance down at my lips. I gulp before pushing against his chest and instantly regretting it as we slip.

He goes down first taking me with him. We end up a jumbled pile on the floor. I lift myself up on my elbows glaring harshly at him. His eyes are shut as he winces, He opens them slowly."Are you okay?"

"Yeah I guess."

"Okay that's good then.Could you get off of me now?"I push myself off of him, making sure to shove him back down in the process.

"I'll catch you, he said."I mumble as I get to my feet.

"That.. wasn't my fault..you shoved me." He says his words dripping with accusation as he pushes himself into a sitting position.

"And you dragged me with you."I said blankly.

"You're the one who didn't let go of my hoodie so..."I roll my eyes at that."let's just head home now." He says scratching at the back of his neck nervously.

The ride back went by faster than I would've liked. It was nice hanging out with him today. I liked it. We didn't say anything to each other the whole way back but it wasn't awkward or anything. It was just.. comfortable I guess.

"You okay?" he asks, looking in my direction for a split second.

"I'm good."

"It wasn't your fault Ri."he suddenly says after a while before adding"The whole Liana situation."he pauses."It wasn't your fault so don't blame yourself for something that was out of your control."

"But it was if I had ju-"

"No."he cuts me off."No ifs or buts. We can't control what life throws at us and I may be talking a load of bullshit right now and not know the full story about this Lora chick but it wasn't your fault."

I stare ahead of me mulling over what he said. I give him a small nod and he reaches over before giving my hand a gentle squeeze before looking back at the road.

I didn't know what to tell him. No matter how many times he said it wasn't my fault a part of me would always feel like it was but for this moment right now I shut that part down. Not dwelling on the matter but focusing on the day I had had with Klay and with that I smile at him and he smiles back and for just this moment everything is fine.

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