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When the attendant acquired both of their attentions he spoke, "I see a lot of chemistry streaming between the two of you and so, I would like you guys to take part in our competition. You guys qualify for all the criteria with a straight A. Do give a thought to my request sir." He concluded.


"Can we get a hold of some more details about the competition?" This time it was Y/N who made a move and flaunted her interest in the competition.

"Yes. Sure ma'am. It is a paper dance competition. I'll first acquaint you guys with the perks of the competition. It'll be easier for guys to make the decision. So, the competition has the following perks.

Free food at our café for an entire month. (Maybe the attendant knew how this perk can easily bribe the two into the competition. It was alone enough to inveigle the two). Couples who take part are bound to fall in love and be together forever. (If the first perk wasn't already making their day this one just seemed to be selling both of them off completely).

As you know our café is eminent and is distinguished among the top 3 of the state. Being well-established comes with powers and as a result the winning couple would be given a first page newspaper appearance in our state renowned newspaper: "The People's Bulletin". (The perks just kept getting better and better).

You guys will also be given a special showcase in our café's gallery which will be displayed for over a year. (Can these guys ask for anything more? The perks were so irresistible. Everyone would be more than happy to experience all of this with their loved ones).

May you guys also be aware that this competition is held only once a year on a magnanimous basis. (Maybe the list lost its end because the perks never appeared to end).

These were the perks and let's get down the rules. There are no hard and fast rules to the competition. Afterall it's just arranged for fun and recreation. We just try to do our best to bring our customers joy and leisure. So, here's the guide to the competition.

This isn't the normal paper dance. It's got a twist which tends to make it more exciting.

You guys maybe aware that in the original game you guys are given a paper to dance on, which gets folded as and when the song changes but here's the catch in our competition, whenever the music will switch, you guys would be asked a question about each other which will be a litmus test for your chemistry. If you answer correctly, you continue folding the paper and dancing but if you fail to answer correctly, you'll be disqualified.

So that was all for the competition guys. Hope to see this cute couple in there. Buck up guys the competition commences in two days. All the very best." The attendant finished

"Thank you so much for letting us know all about the competition. We'll let you know about our decision in a while." Taehyung said politely.

"Okay sir." He bowed and left.

The waiter hadn't even gone five feet away when pounced on Y/N (not literally) with his question, "What do you think? Buttercup. Should we participate?" His eyes lit up like a kid at Christmas awaiting his most-awaited present. He was all but sprawled across the table looking at Y/N hopefully.

"I am so confused Tae; we are not even a couple so how can we participate?" Y/N asked puzzled and pouting with her doe eyes enlarging faintly.

Tae's thought: We'll become one soon. (Blushing internally).

"I'd never imagined a connoisseur of good food like you would ever disagree or even contemplate when good free food is one of their perks that too for a month

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"I'd never imagined a connoisseur of good food like you would ever disagree or even contemplate when good free food is one of their perks that too for a month." Taehyung negotiated pitching his best U.S.P. He tried his best to persuade her and that could only be done by buttering her over her fondness towards food.

"Enough! Say no more. (Raises her hand signalling Tae to stop) You have successfully bribed me into the offer. Food is love and I can jeopardize or wager on anything for it." Y/N finished pompously feeling majestic by her words.

Taehyung scoffed internally. Look at her loudmouth sprouting fake self-proclamations about jeopardizing or wagering something when she can't even hurt a little ant. The girl is overly sensitive and cannot see anyone being played or hurt. He just nodded at her fake promises.

"Let's give this competition our 100% Tae

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"Let's give this competition our 100% Tae. Hwaiting!!!" Y/N completed enthusiastically by pumping her hands into fists leading them into the air.

After finally convincing each other to jump into the competition without letting the latter know that it wasn't only free food they are participating for, they got themselves registered at the reception desk.

"It's so good to know you guys came in assenting. I'll be cheering in on you. All the best my power couple." The previous attendant who was getting them registered remarked. Y/N's face burned hot at his comment. Tae also looked like someone painted his face red. Without further ado they both rushed their way out of the café. They didn't have enough energy to take in another romantic compliment from the attendant who seemed to be in love with their couple. The guy just couldn't stop simping over them.


Outside the café

"Hey Buttercup! Let me drop you off." Taehyung said.

"Who, ever said, I was gonna walk all the way home or even take the bus for that matter when I have my personal chauffeur standing right here to render his services." Y/N exclaimed smugly.

The look on Taehyung's face was that of pure horror and resentment. The guy was unable to process for a couple of seconds but when he did. "What do I really look like a chauffeur to you?" Taehyung questioned picking up Y/N by her waist from the back who was all set to run and placed her on the car's bonnet and finally pointing at his outfit. He placed his hands on her either side and bent further towards her face questioning yet again when she didn't answer the first time, "Hmm?" she was a blushing mess, her face turned a bright red. Taehyung was staring at her intently. It felt like the time had stopped.


What do you think will they finally kiss or be disturbed yet again as always 😑😑.

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Keep loving our seven normal boys from Korea 💕💜💜💕.

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