Issue 20 - Stick and Stones Will Break your Bones

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"Stop your squirming with ya! It's not as bad as it looks." Billy barked, opening the first aid kit. "The bastard just gave you a nasty scare."

I stood in the corner holding my chin, thinking, foot tapping against the floor. "If it's not that bad, why does Zara look like she's on death's door!?"

Billy glanced at me, huffing, wrapping the last of Zara's wounds. "I don't want to hear it from you, Y/N; you know how I feel about bringing home strays."

"Well, what was I meant to do? You're the only person I know with any sort of remote first aid knowledge."

"There's this revolution that's just popped up; it's going to change the world. They call it a fucking hospital." He snapped, throwing the bloody rags in the bin. "Do you want the good news or bad news?"

"Just give it to me straight."

"Fine, I wrapped up her wounds; she's fine and won't lose any more blood. But she's lost too much blood right now."

I walked over, confused. "How is that possible? It's as you said; the wounds weren't that bad."

"How the fuck am I supposed to know?! Ask that fuckface who attacked her." Billy replied, soon realising what he had said. "Now wait a second, Y/N. Don't do something stupid here. This is exactly what he wants, you leave the safety of this neighbourhood, and Kira is coming down on you like a pack of bricks!"

"Stack of bricks, it's a stack of bricks, Billy, you incompetent loser!" I snap, furious. "Like hell, I'm going to let this slide."

Zara grabbed my arm, panting, struggling to speak. "Wa- Wait, call... Call m-."

"Don't worry; Billy will get a hold of your parents."

"No, don't call my mother. Brother... Call my brother."

"I'll leave the contacting to you, Billy."

"Will you least wait until Miley gets here?"

"No time; help Zara best you can."

"I can help." I turned around seeing Rita standing with the door to her domain wide open. Her headphones were around her neck as she twirled her foot around nervously. "I want to help her."

"Rita..." Billy whispered.

I approached Rita smiling faintly. "Good, thank you... Thinking about it, this is the first time we've properly met; I'm Y/N."

"I know, you snore very loud."

"Ok, I'm heading out. Billy, I'm counting on you."

Billy stood up, annoyed, shouting back. "What should I tell Miley when she arrives!?"

"Doesn't matter; I'll be done with Cyrus by then."


Sipping his coffee Cyrus leaned back as the sun cracked from the clouds grazing him. Swirling his cup around, he closed his eyes, smiling. "You're a hard man to reach, Y/N."

Standing before him, blocking any escape, I clenched my fist. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you?"

"Bloody hell, brother, I didn't do hit her that hard. She'll be up tomorrow like nothing happened." Cyrus scoffed; he, however, paused as a deep gauge suddenly ripped across his cheek. Putting his coffee down, he felt the wound amused. "Hmm, I hope that wasn't your warning shot."

"No more games."

Holding his hands up, he nodded. "I mean, you no harm, if you're so desperate for us to tear each other apart, fine, but can you at least hear me out?"

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