After Story - I Need a Hero (Zara Route)

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I found myself staring at the stars again letting time just pass me by. After all the chaos that had been Diego, The Arena and most recently with Ada to take a moment to breathe was a Godsent, one I wouldn't miss as I knew deep down, it would never last.

I was beyond the outskirts of Super City, the city's neon lights just in view. Keeping my eyes off the city I lay on an old garage which hadn't seen use for quite some time. This was day three of waiting. Opening one eye I heard the rumbling of sheets of metal and bins being knocked over, and then Zara climbed up staring at me blankly processing my presence. "Took you long enough, come, I saved you a spot."

Zara climbed up looking slightly nervous yet annoyed. Standing over me with her arms crossed she pouted. "What are you doing here?"

"Same as you. That warehouse is the prime spot for the local gang to smuggle drugs in and out of the city. I'm waiting for their prime operation to take place and then wham. No more drugs."

Zara wasn't buying it as she raised an eyebrow tapping her foot. Rolling on my back I began to stretch yawning. "Alright fine, you got me, I'm here because I'm worried about you."

"Worried about me? Did my brother send you? Oh, I know, it was Izanami, she's such a snitch." Zara barked squatting down head hung low. "I don't need your help."

"Never said you did, tell me what makes you think your old man is still acting in his old stomping ground? To me, I'd guess he's moved on after the whole Arena stick." I question blowing wind and tapping my legs. "Surely you must think so too. This is what your fifth stakeout?"

"Ahh, excuse me, this is my fourth. Say, have you been watching me?" Zara scoffs keeping her eyes fixated on the warehouse.

"Guilty as charged," I admit holding a hand over my chest, my other out. "You're determined, I'll give you that. I brought myself a Steam Deck to keep myself occupied. The battery life sucks!"

Zara sat crossed punching my arm and muttering to herself. "You idiot, I don't need a guardian angel."

"Oh that I believe. If anyone in Super City is capable of looking after themselves it would be Zara Culling." I prod rubbing my arm. "You know why I'm here."

Zara fell silent looking deflated. I could see it in her eyes, the lack of sleep, heavy bags and pale skin. She hadn't slept for days. Time went by as she chose instead to look to the stars sighing. "When I was younger I wanted to be an astronaut."

Surprised by this I smirked faintly glancing at Zara while looking to the moon. "Did you know? So the great Zara Culling wasn't always superhero-focused? Colour me shocked."

Shaking her head Zara thought back to her past relishing over her treasured memories. "When I was four my mother brought me a telescope, she had received it from a co-worker who was throwing out his late grandfather's belongings when he came across it. You should have seen the look on my face, I was quite literally over the moon. I spent all night awestruck by the stars and worlds beyond. I wanted to see them all, I wanted to be the first person to step foot on Mars, the lot. I suppose my mother was happy my focus was so fixated on anything than my superhero faze."

"I can picture it now, Zara Culling the astronaut. Although seeing you in an actual astronaut suit is a funny thought."

Snickering at this she nodded. "Yeah, don't think it'd match my eyes..."

"What happened?"

"The telescope was stolen. No one was home at the time, and a handful of other things were taken like my brother's laptop and my mother's wedding ring. I never got another one, I never asked. My mind reverted to stopping criminals, my powers came into my own not long after and the rest is history."

Hero Chasers (Superhero Story X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now