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I watched my breath appear and dissipate in the cold air as I was welcomed outside looking down at the moonlight shining down onto my arms. I don't know what I was so afraid of. I take a step forward onto the cold concrete outside of my apartment, leaving the eerie feeling of my home behind me.

I only seem to make it one step before my foot crashed into something. I glance down to see a box. Or a package? Doesn't look like there's a label on here.


"So you're saying it just showed up? In the middle of the night? (Y/n) that's so fucked up, someone's gonna kill you or stalk you or something." My closest and one of my only friends Ellie yelped over the line. I only sighed leaning against the wall of my kitchen. It's been a couple hours since I found the box. Couldn't really go back to sleep after, so I just waited until Ellie woke up. I thought that maybe she could offer some insight but she just started to freak out.

"Okay yeah,but we'll never know unless I open it. I mean I know it's probably not anything dangerous. It's so light I wouldn't be surprised if it's just a empty box. Are you gonna come over and open it with me or not?" I hear her sigh and mumble something I can't make out over the line.

"Look (Y/n), you know I would, but half the morning shift quit..or they just stopped showing up? so I have to start over working days to cover it. Can you wait or no?" Ellie only sounded irritated. I can't tell if it's directed towards me or the people at the coffee shop that decided to all simultaneously quit. "I probably won't have the patience. I'll call you if it's like a bomb or something. Anyway, did ya find out why they quit?" Rather than fully paying attention to Ellie I stared down the box. It's a tiny brown box it looks muddy and a little gross actually. There's a few leaves stuck to the bottom of the box. "Apparently they just no call no showed. Nobodies been able to get ahold of them. I even asked one of their friends outside of work and even they haven't heard from any of them. I'm mad at them but I hope they're alright...(y/n)?" I'm playing with the cord connected to the phone.

"(Y/n)? Do you even hear me?" I jump at the sound of my own name. "Sorry, yeah! Alright, just call me after work I guess. Bye Ell." I put the phone back on the hook before she can even respond. I look up at the stove to see what time it is but I realize it's still not on. My phone worked just fine though? So what's wrong with the rest of my apartment? Guess I gotta talk to the landlord.

My eyes dart to the box. "Alright. Guess I'm opening it without her."
Moments later I find myself sitting on the floor with a destroyed box beside me. In my hands is a stressed piece of paper, it looked as if it were rubbed in the dirt and folded a thousand times before I received it. Weirdly enough there was no shipping label on the box. Someone must've hand delivered it to the wrong apartment or something. My eyes gloss over the string of numbers hastily written across the page. The commas spaced between the numbers. Coordinates. Weird.


I decided to just shove the paper in my pocket and run by Ellie's coffee shop to see what she can make of it. Threw on a jacket and shoes before I left. I needed to run some errands anyway.


(Y/n) put their car into park. Looking up at the sky, it's rather cloudy. As they looked around the plaza they're in they took note of the absence of Ellie's car. Swinging the door of the coffee shop open they immediately look around for their best friend, but they only spot her manager. "Alex? Where's Ellie?" The lanky man jumped before turning to (y/n). "Oh (Y/n)? Ellie didn't come in today. Is she sick? She never picked up when I called."

(Y/n) only furrowed their brow and looked back at their car. "I might drive by her place and check up on her. I called her just this morning and she was stressing about heading to work." Alex nodded, pushing his glasses back up his face. "Oh good, hopefully that's got something to do with it. Let me know she's alright, yeah? She's not usually the type to just not show up." (Y/n) nodded, turning on their heel.

"Gotcha! will do. See you later Alex!" As they turned they collided into another person. "Ow!" (Y/n) gasped looking up slightly taller dude in front of them. He was a pale guy with shaggy brown hair and a hat. The hat had 'death proof' written across it. (Y/n) recognized the hat as from a movie that came out a few years ago.

They saw it in theaters with Ellie. The rest of what he wore consisted of a black graphic tee and blue jeans. "Oh my bad! I should've looked where I was walking, that's on me." He nodded with a smile. "Yeah, I probably should've used some type of awareness before sprinting in a random direction. Well, sorry, I gotta go. I like your hat by the way!" (Y/n) shouted over their shoulder before running past him through the glass door.

"They looked familiar."

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