Bad idea

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I made a mad dash to Ellie's house. She's never late to work, let alone just not showed up. Before long I'm standing in front of the door to her house. I take a breath and rapidly knock on the door, taking note of the light shining from the window, hinting that someone was likely there.

"Ellie? Ellie! Are you alright?" I wait for 30 excruciating seconds. I knock again. Nothing. "Ellie? I'm coming in!" I dig through my pockets, me and Ellie keep spares of each others keys. I practically throw the door open, shutting it behind me as I run past the living room and kitchen straight to her room. "Ellie? You in here?" I'm met with silence. The room looks untouched. Ellie's bed is made, her Landry set in one corner, her bathroom light off. I shuffle back to the front of the house looking around before pausing at the kitchen. Her back door is ajar. Ellie always did have a bad habit of forgetting to lock her door.

My eyes scan the kitchen. Ellie's bright yellow bag is on the floor, her wallet, phone, and keys still inside. The only other sign of her is a crumpled paper left on the floor. It looked so balled up that it looked like a piece of trash that never made it to the trash can. Shoving the paper in my pocket. I practically sprinted to the front door as realization hits me. Someone took my best friend.

Immediately running into my car and locking myself inside it, my hands shaking as I dig through my backpack for that stupid flip phone I never use.

"Nine one one, what's the address of your emergency?"


I bite my lip as I watch the police check the crime scene. There's no sign of her anywhere, they believe there was a struggle based on how her bag was found thrown across the floor. My best friend is missing.

Then I remembered the paper. Would I get in trouble for tampering with evidence? I looks like trash.

Pulling out the paper I carefully unfold it. 'Come find us.' The same line of coordinates that was on the paper I received this morning. I sigh leaning back in my seat.

This is a really bad idea. Ellie was right.


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