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《 A/N … I appreciate every single one of you who have stumbled upon this story of mine and would be absolutely grateful if you could leave a like or sneaky comment on this. It helps me know I'm on the right path but also keeps me motivated to write more stories like this. 

Much love. 》


I skipped ahead once we entered the hall, moving straight into line because the smell that hit me was insane and I wanted to eat everything, my stomach gurgling loudly. “Geez Hen…when was the last time you ate?" Gaz asked as he turned around to me, a cheeky grin on his face.

"Honestly…I don't remember." I replied flatly, looking past him to the food, my mouth beginning to water. His chuckle brought me back before he grabbed my shoulders and switched our positions, letting me take his spot. "Awww Gaz you big sweetheart." I patted his cheek softly, stepping up as the line moved and grabbed a tray letting the cooks chuck everything on it. I knew what none of it was but I didn't care, I was too hungry to care.

Once my tray was loaded I grabbed a spoon and fork, walking over to the table that Price and Ghost were currently sitting at, dropping down opposite them before Gaz sat down on my left. I hooked in, not interested in talking, just eating and thankfully no one bothered me, or tried to talk to me, I only stopped briefly when Johnny sat down on my right, smiling with a mouthful at him before I went back to stuffing my face.

"Oh my god that's better." I groaned in satisfaction as I cleaned my tray off, smiling softly to myself when suddenly I felt eyes on me and I looked up at the men surrounding me, every single one of them eyeing me closely. Price had a brow raised, Gaz's mouth was wide open, Johnny was trying not to laugh and Ghost, oh he was definitely smirking at me. "What? I was hungry." I said seriously, grabbing my tray as I got up, preparing to shower and go to bed.

"0600 Harrison." Price said gruffly.

"Copy Sir." I winked at him before I cleaned my stuff up and disappeared to the barracks, to the room I'd be sharing with Ghost and Johnny.


I'd showered, taking longer than I'd like because I needed to wash my hair thoroughly, joys of letting it grow down to your waist I guess, that and it was thick. I chucked my tank top and underwear on, still towel drying my hair as I exited the bathroom, deeply in thought, when someone cleared their throat and I paused, looking up. Johnny was sitting on the edge of the bed, his eyes wide, staring at me and I spotted the pink blush on his cheeks, while Ghost was pulling his boots off, not even bothered which I guess made sense, he'd seen me in this already.

My eyes moved back to Johnny as I finished drying my hair before I chucked the towel over the chair in the corner of the room. When I turned around, my fingers swiftly braiding my hair, he was still staring at me. "Geez…when was the last time you saw a half naked woman Johnny?" I asked playfully, walking over to the end of the bed. Ghost was already on it, in a tank top and his shorts and I frowned slightly before I tied off my hair.

Johnny mumbled something under his breath as he stood up, kicking his boots off before he climbed back into bed, folding his arms behind his head, his brows drawn together. I climbed in between them, dropping to my back, feeling them pressed against me. "Are you both bloody comfortable because it's going to get hot in here and if you're both going to remain that dressed up, I'll go sleep in the damn truck." I sighed deeply as I looked at Johnny, before I rolled my head to Ghost.

To my surprise, Ghost sat up, pulling his shirt and pants off before he raised a brow at me, then dropped back down, rolling slightly to me. I rolled my head to Johnny, poking his chest and he sighed deeply, rolling his eyes before he sat up, pulling his shirt off. My cheeks heated slightly as my gaze fell down his torso. I'd seen him top less countless times but it had always been for work, but this was so different and I felt my cheeks heat up.

FEAR IS FOR THE WEAK [GHOST//SOAP X OC]Where stories live. Discover now