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《 A/N … I appreciate every single one of you who have stumbled upon this story of mine and would be absolutely grateful if you could leave a like or sneaky comment on this. It helps me know I'm on the right path but also keeps me motivated to write more stories like this.
Much love. 》


“Penny, please tell me you didn’t do all this because we’re here.” I exclaimed as Johnny and I entered the kitchen, spotting the full buffet breakfast on the table and she spun, grinning widely at us before she waved to the table.

“It’s not every day my son comes home, or brings a beautiful woman…can’t I spoil you both?” She asked with a hint of pride and amusement in her voice. I dropped to the table, in the seat I had sat in last night while Johnny went up to his mum and hugged her, pecking her on the cheek.

“Spoil me all ya want mam.” He said cheekily and she grabbed his cheeks, squishing them tightly before she waved him off and he came and sat down next to me, rubbing his face before he grabbed my plate and dished me up a bit of everything. “Eat up sweetheart, got a long drive ahead of us.” He said as he placed my plate down in front of me before he kissed my cheek quickly and I heard a tiny ‘awwwwww’ from his mother.

My cheeks heated and I dropped my gaze to the food, my mouth watering as I took a fork full and shoved it in my mouth, sighing deeply at how fucking amazing it tasted, feeling my feet wanting to swing like a childs would when they ate something really good. Penny dropped down with us and dished up her own plate before she looked at us both, resting her chin on her linked hands, smiling warmly but I saw something in her eyes and I swallowed, waiting for her to say whatever was on her mind and giving her that cheeky look Johnny often had.

“Don’t ya dare.” Johnny threatened her and I spun to him. He had his mouth full but his fork was raised in his mothers direction and his eyes were narrowed at her. 

I turned back to Penny and her smile widened into a grin, a cheeky, MacTavish grin and I tilted my head slightly. “Then you better pull yer head out boy.” She replied bluntly and I couldn’t help but giggle at the way she called him boy. He groaned loudly and I looked at him quickly, seeing how frustrated he was while he continued eating before I felt Penny grab my wrist softly and I turned to her. “Do you want kids?” She asked me point blank.

My eyes widened and I heard Johnny choke on his mouthful before he bellowed out ‘MAAAAAAAAA’. She scrunched her nose at him, then smiled softly at me, encouraging me to answer but I just sat there, dumbfounded and caught off guard. I hadn’t really thought about that, kids. Not since Simon. I wasn’t going to have them with him, we couldn’t anyway, but the thought had crossed my mind briefly once, that it would be nice, to have a little tacker of my own. “Fuck mam why would you ask her that?!” I heard Johnny growl at his mother.

I turned to him, still shocked by the question but there was something else, and I felt that tiny skip in my heart as I stared at him, watching his frown soften as he turned his gaze to me, those ocean blues scanning my face closely and I tilted my head again as that tiny skip happened again. And then a thought, an image jumped into my head, so quickly I barely saw it but I turned to Penny and smiled weakly. “I never did.” I said honestly and her face dropped slightly. “But the idea doesn’t scare me the way it used to…so maybe one day. If I find the right partner.” I added and her face lit up again.

She said no more to it, and Johnny didn’t say anything either while we finished breakfast. Which I was thankful for because I didn’t know how to answer anymore questions about it, or if I wanted to elaborate on it. “So Jessie, you mentioned John already met your parents. Did they fly over for a visit?” Penny asked and I heard Johnny choke again. “What?”

FEAR IS FOR THE WEAK [GHOST//SOAP X OC]Where stories live. Discover now