Annabelle- Secrets

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"Nice of you to join me." He sat in the same chair as last time, in the out-of-the-way corner. His cane tapped the floor, and his eyes met mine. I didn't like him. The sooner this was over with, the better.

Nicole started when he spoke, her eyes darting up to meet his before focussing on her boots again. She shook her head and reached for Leo's hand.

"Let's just get this over with," James said, dropping down onto the couch. "Do you have the money?"

"Naturally." He eyed James coolly. "Do you have the jewels?"

"Of course." James stared back. "Money first."

"Jewels first."

"First show us the money, then we'll show you the jewels. We exchange at the same time." They had a staring contest for a moment, before the man relented, grumbling as he reached into his bag. It landed with a thump on the table.

"Don't touch," he snapped, as James reached for it. "I'll do it myself." He flipped back the top of the bag, revealing piles of bills bound together. Several fell out onto the table, and he pushed them back into his bag quickly. "There it is," he said, watching James, "now the jewels."

Leo opened his own bag, and the jewels caught the light. The man's eyes widened, and he bent forward eagerly. Leo snapped the front of the bag over. When the man sat up and glared, Leo just shrugged. "Don't want to draw too much attention."

"Fine." He picked up his bag. "We do it on the count of three." He nodded at Nicole. "And then I have a message for that girl."

"Yes, you. Are you deaf or just stupid?"

"She's neither," Leo snapped, "and if you want the jewels, you'd better watch what you're saying, because, I assure you, plenty of other people would pay good money for these."

"This is why I don't deal with teenagers. So sensitive!"

"You called her stupid!" Nicole squeezed his hand, and he pulled back, still glaring. "Fine. We exchange them at the same time."

It happened quickly. One moment, Leo had the bag with the jewels, and the next the money. He gave a stiff nod to the man. "Pleasure doing business with you."

Privately, I added, I hope we never see each other again, but I had a feeling that wouldn't go over well if I said it aloud.

The man dug into his robe and pulled out an envelope, tossing it on the table carelessly. Nicole's name was written on the front in handwriting I didn't recognize. "There you are," he said. He smiled his oily smile, the one that gave me the creeps. "It's important. I'd suggest reading it as soon as possible, but..." He shrugged. "I'm not you."

He stood up and grasped his cane. "I'll be seeing you all, then."

As he walked toward the exit, several people turned to stare. His cane clunked with every step he took, and he seemed to be making an effort to nearly hit people with it, while making it seem like an accident. A plate of food clattered to the ground as a boy jumped out of the way to avoid being hit in the shin.

"Nice guy," I commented, turning back to the others.

Nicole had the envelope in her hands; her expression was blank, and she seemed unaware of anything else in the room, but she was shaking. James leaned forward, curious. "Who's it from?"

She seemed to snap back to the present. "No one. I'll read it later." She started biting her pinkie nail again, still tense. Leo took her hand. Noticing James and I's stares, she said, "What? It's nothing."

And she looked normal now, not showing any hint that it was anything other than 'nothing'. But I also knew Nicole was an incredibly convincing liar, and that the letter, whatever it was, wasn't nothing. I didn't say anything. If she wanted to keep this a secret, then she could. It wasn't any of my business.

"It's from my dad," Nicole finally said. She picked at the worn threads of the chair she was sitting on.

She'd never mentioned anything about her family before, and the only thing I knew was that she wrote, read, and possibly spoke Aeloni, but her Itarinese didn't have any sort of accent. That was it. I knew most people here didn't talk much about their families or pasts, but most I at least knew the basics, if I'd known them for a while. After knowing her for two years, and spending almost every day together, I still knew nothing.

Nobody said anything.

Leo, I was pretty sure, already knew everything–or most things. James...I had no idea, but I figured it was about the same as me. I didn't know when–or how–Leo had found out, either. I didn't know a lot of things, which had always irritated me. I liked knowing things, and I hated being left in the dark. Nicole left everyone in the dark, which was probably why we hadn't immediately become best buddies when I'd first met her.

"He was the one in the tower," she said, after a long beat of silence. "He was looking for the jewels–I don't know why. He found me. He's the one who hurt Leo. He's why I had glass in my arms." Her voice cracked. "He's why I ended up here. I didn't think...didn't think he could find me. I guess he had. Again."

Leo rubbed his thumb over the tiny scar on her pinkie. "Sorry," Nicole muttered, "I...sorry."

Finally, things began to add up. Why Leo knew, Nicole's injuries, her jumpiness the last few days. Why she had ended up here in the first place.

"What about your mom?" I asked.

"She's dead." Nicole started at the floor. "For a long time."

"Oh. I'm sorry." I–for once in my life–didn't know what to say.

"I don't know what he wants," she said. "I don't know. He wanted the jewels, but I don't know why–I don't know anything. I'm sorry. He knows Leo; he's already hurt him and he'll do it again, and he'd hurt both of you without a second thought. I'm so stupid." She stood up abruptly and the letter slipped from her grasp, where it lay on the floor. "I'm sorry."

She bolted up the stairs, leaving James and I in stunned silence, which was unusual for both of us. Leo stood. "I'm asking her to come back to Whiststorm with me, just for a little while. You guys are welcome to come–I'm thinking it's best if we lie low for a little while. You can do what you want, of course, but at least think about it. I don't think we need anyone else after us right now." He shrugged. "And being here right now isn't helping the fact that she's scared and stressed–especially now that she has proof he can get to her." He picked up the letter and slipped it in his pocket.

I glanced at James. "I'm staying here. I won't do anything," I added, when Leo glanced apprehensively at me, "but I don't want to go anywhere right now. And...if her dad's going to come poking around her, then somebody should be here to see. Besides, I want to find out what he wants, and why he's here. She said she doesn't know, right? If he wanted the jewels, it was for a reason."

"I'll help," James offered. He shrugged. "I have nothing better to do."

"Alright, then," Leo said, "but please don't do anything stupid."

"We would never."

Word Count: 1,267

One more chapter :D 

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