Nicole - Goodbyes

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While I'm sure you think yourself awfully clever right now, I'd like to begin by putting an end to that notion. My plans are far beyond anything I could expect someone like you to understand, but that's irrelevant–you just need to keep your mouth shut. As far as you are concerned, you never saw me there, and you don't even know who I am. I don't need to be associated at all with the likes of you.

However, you could be useful if you tried. There's no point in running, or hiding: I'll find you, no matter how far you go or how well you think you've hidden yourself. No one can keep you safe–least of all yourself. I hope you understand this. If I truly wanted you with me, you would be here. Unfortunately, you've never proved yourself to amount to much, and so I have no need for you.

But keep this in mind: if you come back of your own free will, I will be much kinder to you than otherwise, even if it's mercy you don't deserve.

Micheal Copeland


"He signed his name," Leo noted. "Isn't that kind of stupid? If this falls into the wrong hands, everyone knows there's some guy named Micheal out there threatening people who has some sort of plan."

"It'll be my fault if it does." I dropped my head into my arms, leaning against the table. "Burn it."

I felt him take the letter from beside me, and then a moment later heard him crumpling it. I heard his footsteps cross the room, and a few moments later he sat back down beside me, resting his head down beside mine. I turned to look at him, opening my eyes. He smiled at me, his dimples appearing.

"I love you," he whispered.

I didn't call him a liar this time, which was probably a good thing. But I thought it, anyway. He was going to realise–I knew that. I was too much and not enough at the same time. Right then, though, I didn't care if he ever realised. I wanted his smile and his words, whether they were lies or not.

He pulled my hand towards him and kissed my palm. "You know what would be great and also totally unachievable? If we could stay right here and not worry about anything else, ever."

Just then, I heard James yelling on the stairs, "We have money!"

"I think I jinxed it," Leo said. I laughed, and he made a face at me. We sat back up, and Leo put his arm around me. I leaned into him as James and Annabelle burst into the room.

"Money!" James cheered. He dropped julits on Leo's head.

"Thanks, James."

"So, what are we supposed to do with all this money?" James asked, which surprised me. He was the one who always wanted more; I'd figured he'd had some sort of complicated ten step plan on what to do with it. He plopped down across from us, and Annabelle followed suit.

"Pastries," Annabelle said. She was using her hands to prop herself up at the table, a mug of hot chocolate in front of her. She'd had so much hot chocolate this past month that I wondered if it was possible for a person to become all hot chocolate. If it was, she was well on her way to achieving it.

"You could buy a lot more than pasties with this," James said. The bag of cash sat in front of him, and he kept flipping it open, like he was checking that it hadn't disappeared.

"You're sure it's real?" Leo asked.

"Positive. I checked."

"So, he didn't doublecross us." Leo sounded surprised, which I supposed was fair.

"Pastries," Annabelle said again, more decisively this time, like she had been arguing with herself and had just come to a decision.

James tossed several julits at her, and she stuck out her tongue at him. "Really mature, both of you," Leo said. "If you two are staying here, how about you keep the majority of it? I don't want to travel carrying that much. Just please don't spend it all."

"How would we spend it all? It's worth more than Annabelle's entire wardrobe and whatever other crap she owns. Not that anything she owns is worth much, but you know what I mean."

"Thanks, James, that's really sweet of you."

"I try."

"Are you two done?" Leo asked.

"Yes," they chorused, then immediately shot each other dirty looks.

"Great. Like I said, please don't spend it all. We'll be back in a couple of weeks. Also, try not to do anything too stupid."

"You really think the money's safer here with Annabelle and I in an inn full of criminals than with you?" James asked.

Leo shrugged. "I trust you."

"You're probably going to regret that," Annabelle said, "but it's your funeral, I guess."


It was freezing. Our breath was visible in the air, and my boots crunched over the layer of frost on the ground. The sun hadn't yet come up, which did nothing for the cold, but the world was by no means asleep. Not here, anyway. But what could you expect from a town of criminals?


"Huh?" I blinked. "Sorry, what?"

Annabelle gave me a tiny smile. "I said I'll miss you." She hugged me, and I stiffend slightly before relaxing. "Don't get into any trouble without me."

"Considering you're the one who usually gets us into trouble, I think that would be impossible."

She laughed. "Good."

James handed Leo several stacks of julits, which he placed in his bag. I'd never carried around so much money in my life, and it made me nervous to be carrying around. What if something happened? What if we lost it? What if–

Leo slipped his hand into mine. "Ready?" He reached over to pull my jacket further up on my shoulders. "You should zip that up. It's freezing."

"It won't be as cold in the carriage. And it's not that bad out here," I protested.

"As cold. Zip your jacket up, Nicole. There is frost. We can see our breath. It's snowing now–look." Sure enough, flakes had begun drifting down, further covering the ground in a white layer. Leo pulled my hood over my head.

"Don't forget me," Annabelle said, her smile crooked. "Actually, scratch that–I'm unforgettable."

"Sure," James said, "but maybe not in the way you'd like."

She shoved him. "You suck."

As the carriage pulled away from the inn, I stared out the window until I couldn't see them anymore. Annabelle waved the entire time. Even though I would miss them, I was glad to leave, sort of. Ever since I'd gotten that letter, my mind had come back to the fact that he knew where I was, that he could easily come for me if he wanted. That I wasn't safe.

I knew I would see him again. But I wanted to delay that as long as possible.

Word Count: 1,171


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