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"TROY Fuller, only child, age thirty-seven, has worked as the liturgy coordinator at Saint Matthew's Church in Addersfield for two years." Penelope's voice came out the speakerphone. The team and a few cops gathered round. "He lives in Addersfield at 1512 Spruce Way in a house he inherited from his father, who died of alcohol poisoning four years ago. His father, Richard Fuller, had quite the record. Multiple charges of child abuse and neglect when Troy was a child, a few DUIs, theft, aggravated assault. A few times in his childhood, Troy was removed from his home and bounced around in the foster system because his mom terminated her parental rights, but he always ended up back home."

Sounded about right for a lust serial killer.

"And his mother?" Gideon asked.

"When Troy was four, Alaina Evanson and Richard got divorced, and Alaina began renting an apartment in Tampa. She remarried two years later and had another child. She died a little over a month ago, still in Florida."

"Right before Shawna Bender was abducted. That could be the stressor." Morgan leaned forward on the desk. "Anything else?"

"He has two cars under his name. One is a nineteen-ninety Explorer, and drumroll please, a white two-thousand Ford E-three-fifty van that used to be his father's. The kind with no windows except for on the back doors. Emailing everything to you now."


"Thanks, babygirl." Morgan hung up. "Abusive alcoholic father, absent mother, spent time jumping around in the foster system, owns a van like the one Olivia described? Sounds like this could be our UnSub."

The puzzle pieces were coming together. In his panic after botching Olivia's abduction, Fuller hastily chose to grab Annabel in a residential neighborhood on a Friday afternoon because he recognized her (the Howells never said that Annabel went to church with them, but there was no way those two wouldn't make her go even if she didn't want to). He wouldn't have been as big of a red flag to Annabel as he was to Olivia because he wasn't a stranger. Her guard would have been down long enough to grab her tight enough to keep her from escaping.

"Get Olivia down here," Gideon said. "Prentiss."

"Photo lineup," Emily filled in the blank. Beside her, Morgan logged into his email on one of the computers and pulled up the driver's license photo Penelope sent. Like Olivia described, Troy Fuller had a mop of curly brown hair, a face covered in acne scars, and skin pale as a ghost. His features were generic enough that finding lookalikes for a lineup wouldn't be too difficult.

Luckily, Olivia Rand's only Sunday plans were homework. Her mother had her at the station in fifteen minutes. They sat her in the conference room again and put the photo lineup Emily assembled on the table in front of her. She examined the eight different images for about fifteen seconds before pointing to Troy's face.


"You're sure?" Reid asked her. She nodded, staring him right in the eyes. It unsettled Reid to look into her fearful eyes, to see how the UnSub messed with her head. If a failed attempt at kidnapping could screw with someone like this, what would the successful kidnapping do to Annabel? Under the optimistic assumption that they found her alive.

"Yeah. Believe me, I've been seeing this creep every time I blink since Friday afternoon. I don't think I'll ever forget that face."

As they spoke, the team was working on a search warrant for Fuller's house. Now they had more than enough reasons to justify a search.

"Thank you, Olivia." Reid stood, picking up the pictures. Olivia stood up too, tugging the sleeves of her sweater over her hands. She looked hopeful.

"I know there are a lot of things you can't tell me, but are you allowed to tell me if you think you're getting close to catching him?"

"Right now, all I can tell you is that we're doing everything we can, and you've been extremely helpful in our investigation."

The hope drained from Olivia's face. Reid led her out of the room to her mother. Her mother squeezed her hand.

Annabel Lee ─ emily prentissWhere stories live. Discover now