CHAPTER 5: Humans vs Humans vs Zombies

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Terrorist: It’s them! Kill them all!

Zach: (Gunshot)

Ross: (Gunshot)

Carlos: (Gunshot)

Jake: (Gunshot)

Chris: (Gunshot)

Eliza: (Gunshot)

Nathan: (Gunshot) Suck these bullets!

(Fighting against the Terrorists continues)

Nathan: The Fuck you guys doing?! Why aren’t you helping?!

Keith: I don’t have gun I only have a knife!

James: Ivan and I got our samurais!

Clyde: I don’t do firearms I do Taekwando!

Nathan: Are you fucking kidding me right now?!

(Gunfire continues)

(Zombies approaching)

Zombies: (grunts) (growling)

Carlos: Hey Guys! Our old friends are here!

Zach: Ah Shit!

Keith: (Found a chainsaw) You know what?! We got this!

James: Let’s chop some Zombies head!

Ivan: Its been awhile since we fought a zombie

Clyde: Time to crack some skull!

Zombies: (Growls)

Keith: (Chainsaw noise) Come on Motherfuckers (Laughs)

Zombies: (Growls)

(Zombies head got cut with the Chainsaw)

James and Ivan: (Slashing the zombies with the Samurai swords)

Clyde: (Beating up the zombies with Taekwando)

(The battle is on going)

(Meanwhile the other group in the garage)

Dr. Takahashi: (Found a Van) Ok so this should do it, girls can you get the gases and other supplies?

Glory and Jewel: Yes Doc

Dr. Takahashi: And Ken, find something good

Ken: Like what?

Dr. Takahashi: Like weapons

Ken: Ok

(Glory and Jewel found gases and other supplies)

Glory: We got the supplies

Dr. Takahashi: Kanzen

Ken: (Found a secret weapon) Oh sweet!


(All the terrorists and zombies are dead)

Everyone: *panting*

Zach: Is everyone okay?

Ivan: Barely

Keith: Aw man, my chainsaw ran out of gas

Ivan: Glad it’s over

(Adolf shot Ivan’s left leg)

Ivan: Ah! Shit!

Adolf: (Got Eliza) Gotcha!

Ross: Eliza!

Adolf: Nobody move! One small move and this girl will be dead as fuck!

Zach: Guys hold your fire!

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