CHAPTER 14: Favor?

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(Zombies are chasing the group while on the vehicle)

(In the vehicle)

Ivan: Guys what are we going to do?

Chris: Come on Ross think!

Ross: Don't tell me what to do cause I'm not a leader

Faith: You're right... no wonder we left Zach

Ross: I was trying to save our asses!

Tina: You didn't even think clearly!

Dr. Takahashi: All right guys enough with the argue! We need to find a safe place to hide... (Found a old abandoned building) There! hang on! (Speed up the vehicle to the old abandoned building)
(They escaped from zombies) (Arrived at the old abandoned building)
(Everyone go outside of the vehicle and went inside the building)
(Inside the building)

Dr. Takahashi: I think we lost them... Is everyone okay?

Chris: Barely

Nathan: Dude we are not okay obviously! We just left Zach!

Ross: (Packing his things)

Yuna: Ross where are you going?

Ross: I'm leaving

Carlos: Really? Right now? Why?

Ross: I can't do this anymore guys

Ivan: Why are you acting like this, man?

Clyde: Yeah and ever since Eliza died, you've been acting like a Coward

Ross: I'm not being a coward, I'm being realistic and I wanted to be survived from this 3 years disaster! Admit it guys, it's over! With the Colonel got the cure and he got Zach, we are fucked up! (Leaving the building)

Yuna: Ross! (Follow Ross outside of the building)

(Outside the building)

Ross: (Found a motorcycle)

Yuna: Ross this is crazy! Don't leave, we counted on you

Ross: I'm sorry, I can't

Yuna: This isn't what Eliza want... Didn't she said that we have to finish what we started... Why are you being like this right now? Look I get it, you feel down cause you didn't save her, well that's how I feel when she died cause she's my goddamn cousin! And you know what I did? I talk to myself and said that we will avenge her and we will get the cure and save the world... If we don't do this... she died for nothing

Ross: (crying) (ignores) (drive the motorcycle and left)

Yuna: *sighs*

(Yuna returned inside the building)

(Meanwhile inside the government facility)

(Inside the prison)

Zach: (Awake) *gasps* (groans)

Jake: Zach? You all right?

Zach: Jake? But... how did you...

Jake: Yeah... I know... its crazy right? I mean... how does a traitor like me survived?

Zach: Jake... (look at Jake's bitemark)
Jake... did you get bitten?

Jake: My sister... did this

Zach: How long?

Jake: It's been a year now

Zach: What? Wait are you saying that...

(General Zuma, Colonel and Dr. Osborn enters)

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