Chapter 1: And Then There Were 10

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Somewhere in Bellwood, a young boy is found preparing a luggage in his room for summer vacation. He is going for a road trip across the country with his best friend.

Once he's fully prepared for a 3 months road trip, he carried his duffle bag full with his goods down the stair where both of his parents are waiting at the front.

"You ready, kid?" His father asked.

"Yup!" He replied.

"You bring your toothbrush?" His mother asked.


"Your spare clothes, pants, swim trunk, snacks, drinks, lotion, soap-"

"Mom, I'll be fine." Y/n stopped his mother's worries while chuckling. "Mr. Tennyson will take a good care of me."

"He is right, sweety." The father placed his hand on his life partner to give comfort. "Our son is going to have fun with his friend across the country. Nothing bad is going to happen."

The mother sighed. "You're right. I'm just being exaggerating."

A bark from a distant caught their attention. The L/n's family dog approached the boy before Y/n rubbed the dobberman's neck, earning a lick on the face.

"Take care of mom and dad while I'm away. Okay, Zed?" Y/n asked, earning another bark from the dog.

The parents then guided the boy outside, followed by the dog. In front of their house, an old Rv took a stop and the windshield rolled down, revealing an old man in red Hawaii shirt.

"Hello there." He greeted.

"General Tennyson. How bold of you." Y/n replied, earning a chuckle from the man Max Tennyson.

Y/n opened the door then looked back to his parents with a smile.

"Welp, here I go."

"Take care, kiddo." His father said.

"Have fun!" His mother followed before Zed let out a bark.

And with that, Y/n entered the vehicle and Max drove off.

"Thanks for picking me up, Mr. Tennyson." Y/n expressed his gratitude.

"No problem, Y/n." Max replied.

Y/n gazed around the Rv's interior until his eyes landed on the dining table to see two individuals who are sitting across each other while grouching. The first one is his friend Ben Tennyson, and the other is Ben's cousin Gwen Tennyson. Knowing their history, two words of concern came out from Y/n's lips.

"Oh, dear..."

"Sorry, Y/n." Ben apologized. "I know you've been looking forward to this vacation but my stupid cousin has to come along."

"This wasn't my idea, dweeb!" Gwen snarled. "Somebody convinced my mom that going camping for summer would be a good experience for me."

"Let it go, you two. Not everything always goes as planned in life." Y/n said. "And you know what they say, 'the more the merrier'."

Y/n then put his luggage at the back and went at front, sitting shotgun.

"Man, I can't believe it. I wait all school year to go on this trip with Y/n, and now the queen of cooties is along for the ride." Ben complained.

"Hey! I had my own vacation already all planned out, too, y'know?" Gwen complained back before she pulled out a a time table. "Each activity is color-coded, so I never did the same thing two days in a row."

Ben looked at the schedule in surprise, followed by Y/n who overhearded the conversation from the front in disbelief.

"Who made schedule in their vacation?" Y/n muttered as he slumped back to his seat.

Ben 10: Hero and PredatorWhere stories live. Discover now