Chapter 11: Secrets

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Ben woke up furiously, waking up the rest of the gangs.

"Another nightmare, Ben?" Max asked in concerned.

"It was that weird alien from my vision!" Ben said in panic. "Only bigger and uglier and scarier."

"Sure you weren't just looking in a mirror?" Gwen remarked.

"It was just a bad dream, son." Max said in reassurance. "We can talk about it in the morning."

"It seems so real." Ben commented. "He looked right at me and said, 'I'm coming for you, now.'"

Y/n felt chill in his spine. "Um, Mr. Tennyson-"

"Change of plan." Max said out of blue. "We're heading the road now."

"But, grandpa, it's 3 in the morning." Gwen reminded.

"Best way to beat the traffic."

And so, the gangs sped off down the road without stopping. Noticing how fast they are, Y/n asked.

"Mr. Tennyson, what's with being a rally car?"

"I want to make to the Mt. Rushmore by nightfall." Max stated sternly.

"That's because?" Y/n asked again but Max went silent.

Ever since the summer trip started, Y/n is suspicious about Max. He was about to let it slide but now, after seeing his reaction about Ben's nightmare, his suspicion grew.

"Mr. Tennyson, do you have any relation with this alien in Ben's vision?" Y/n asked, catching the cousins' attention.

But to his disappointment, Max remained silent. Y/n sighed and sat next to Ben while Gwen sitting across the boys' with her computer. He pulled out his journal and reviewed his discoveries.

"I'm so bored." Ben complained before he looked at Gwen. "Let me play a game."

"I would but I think this is a good lesson for you to learn to entertain yourself." Gwen advice. "Take your friend for an example."

Ben gave Y/n a gaze for a sec before he let out a smirk at Gwen. Without anyone noticing, Ben turned into Upgrade and hijacked Gwen's computer.

"Hey, what gives?!" Gwen pressed the keyboard intensively before the face of Upgrade appeared on the screen.

"Sorry, you are a loser." Upgrade stated. "And will always will be."

"Ben, get out of my computer!"

"What? I'm just entertaining myself." Upgrade recalled.

"Ben." Y/n's stern voice sent shiver to Upgrade. "I suggest you to stop wasting energy on the Omnitrix."

Upgrade confused for sec before he realized his blunder and his friend's warning. He came out from the computer and stood next to Y/n.

"Sorry, I'm just bored." Upgrade said with guilt.

"Don't mind it." Y/n said with a frown on his face. "That alien you were mentioning, I have hunch we're going to face it."

Upgrade went back to Ben. "Is that why-"

Y/n nodded to his question. Ben then sat next to Y/n and decided to join Y/n read the journal.

"Man, talk about devotion." Ben commented at the information that Y/n has collected about the aliens in the journal.

After awhile, they made it to a freeway, passing by Rapid city. The kids then noticed a large amount of smoke coming from the city.

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