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Honestly school is so tiring and for what? Like I go to school to learn so I can get a job, and I want to get a job so I can get money, and I want money to live.

And America gets all mad when people are greedy but it's their whole mindset and how this government runs that make people greedy.

"Liam?" I call out and he's walking behind me holding our backpacks after I hesitantly let him carry mine too.

"Yes Gi?" He walks up to me and hugs me tight.

"Do you think America is greedy too?" He starts smiling.

"Oh Gianna. Your mind is so vibrant."

"Is that good?"

"Of course. You keep me on my toes." He smiles.

"Really?" I feel my eyes light up.

"Oh yeah. Remember that one time you asked me how country debt is a thing and I didn't have a answer at that time?"

I nod and he continues.

"Well that night I stayed up all night and researched it just so the next day when I saw you, I could have the answers for you." My heart all of sudden bursts from happiness, it feels like someone's twisting and turning it but in a good way.

"Really?" I say once again.

"Yes really."

"Why?" I ask again. Why would anyone ever do that? Especially for me. It's not like I'm crazy special or anything.

"I care about you. I wanted to calm that mind of yours, I know how you have such a amazing crazy brain and it can create some odd questions and theories." He pauses and looks to the side.

"And...I wanted to impress you." He smiles sheepishly.

"Aw Liam!!" I jump and wrap my arms around his neck as he bends down to wrap his big arms around my waist.

"I just wanted you to think I'm smart." He laughs.

"I have always thought you were smart! You didn't have to do that!" I'm now in a fit of laughter and just smiling. That made me the happiest I've been in months.

"Whatever." He still was smiling oddly creepily.

"Shane asked me earlier..." Now I know why he's been looking at me all weirdly.


"He thought it'd be fun for all of us to have secret Santa. You know?" He shrugs.

I know damn well he's dying to do it but he needs to protect his masculinity.

"That sounds so fun!"I squeal. I love getting presents, it's actually a weak spot. If anybody got me any gift my heart would simply burst.

"I know how much you love gifts." He smirks and hugs me tight again.

"I do. A lot." I say but it's muffled by his hard chest.

The next morning I walk into school and Claire is waiting at the front door for me.

"So I was thinking for thanksgiving next week we could have a friends-giving." Claire says.

"At your house?" I ask.


We walk into Mr Spencer's class together giggling and smiling about friends-giving and I'm so excited.

I've never had one before. I don't know why we only started doing friends-giving now but at least we're doing it.

Me and Claire enter the doorway and we immediately see a sub in place of Mr Spencer.

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