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Play the song when I say too!!

Luckily Liam was released from the hospital a few days later, now I have to make sure he only sleeps for five hours at a time.

"Liam are you okay?! I'm bringing up a snack!" I stumble over my feet a bit. I made him chicken noodle soup...I sure do make this a lot. This soup is fucking good though!

"Hey hey, relax." He's standing outside the bedroom door with his sunglasses on, he grips my shoulder and kisses my forehead.

"Thank you baby. I bet it'll taste so good." He grabs the soup from my hands and walks back into the bedroom, setting the soup down on the table next to him.

He pats the side next to him and I put my index finger up telling him to wait.

I sprint to Rikky's room to grab him before I sprint back to Liam.

"Come lay down."

I walk over to where Liam's resting and I cuddle into the crook of him arm. Putting Rikky in the middle of us.

"You look beautiful." Me and Liam now face each other on our sides.

"I have no makeup, I'm in a raggedy t-shirt and sweat pants, and I probably stink." I rant.

"I think the most beautiful I'll ever see you is when your in your most natural state sunshine." He smoothes my hair out slowly.

"Thank you..." I softly say. I'm not good with compliments, but I take them straight to heart and matter more to me then a material gift.

"I heard you talking about a doctor's appointment the night I went to the hospital...did you ever end up going?" Liam looks away a bit. I guess he heard my conversation with Marissa.

I had a doctor's appointment the next day for a check in with my eating disorder, I got diagnosed with anorexia a year a ago and every few months I have to check in with my doctor.

"Oh no, I cancelled it. Instead it's the day after tomorrow."

"Do you want me to go with you?" Liam asks hopefully.

I really want to tell him but with everything going on? It's not the right time.

"No that's okay. I love you so much and thank you for asking." My heart breaks when I watch his face crumble a bit.

"Oh okay. I get it." He smiles and pecks my lips before lying down again.

"Remember no sleeping for more than five hours!" I say before falling asleep myself.

"Promise. I love you sunshine."

"I love you." I smile lightly before sleep overtakes me.


Gianna sleeping next to me was what makes me feel the most content. Just having her.

Rikky stirs a bit before switching positions in his sleep.

My concussion has got better and the cut has almost healed. I have a doctor's appointment soon to get the stitches off and such. 

Gianna has a doctor's appointment tomorrow and I had mine tomorrow too but I made a mental note to reschedule since she seems uncomfortable with me being there. I respect her boundaries and trust she'll tell me why when she's ready.

I set a alarm on my phone to wake me up at 5:00 PM so I don't oversleep due to my concussion.

I blink a few times before resting my eyes.

It's been a few hours since we fell asleep, I was sitting on the couch while Gianna made something for Rikky. She was the cooker of the family.

"Do you want anything Liam?" She calls out from the kitchen. I decide to walk over there instead of sitting on the couch.

"No I'm okay. Do you need help? You're always cooking." I wrap my arms around her small waist from behind and lay my chin on her shoulder. She starts swaying her hips to the music that was playing.

"No I'm not cooking anything, I'm really just heating up some soup for Rikky. Do you want some or are you still full?" She turns a bit to look at my face before stirring the pot again.

She used a soup spoon to scoop the soup out into a bowl and set it down in front of Rikky.

The song 'Until I Found You' by Stephan Sanchez started playing and I grabbed Gianna's hands.

(Play now)

"Liam what are you doing?" She squeals when I start waltzing her around the kitchen and dining room.

Georgia, wrap me up all in your
I want you in my arms.

"We're dancing of course. How are we going to get married if you can't even dance?" I say while rocking us back and forth. Gianna closes her eyes and moves with the flow of the song.

Oh, let me hold you
I'll never let you go like I did
Oh, I used to say
I would never fall in love again until I found her.

We sway around, my hand holding her's high while my other hand around her waist and vice versa.

I said, "I would never fall unless it's you I fall into"
I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her
I found you.

"I found you within my darkness Gianna. You know that right?" Her face softens.

"You are my only light with all this dark around me." I kiss her on the lips and re-position my hands on her hips and hers wrap around my neck.

Georgia pulled me in, I asked to
Love her once again
You fell, I caught you
I'll never let you go again like I did
Oh, I used to say

Gianna hums quietly to the music, me swaying post of us to the beat. It was the most calm peaceful moment, yet I could do this all day. Anyone else? They'd be bored. Me? Not at all.

I would never fall in love again until I found her
I said, "I would never fall unless it's you I fall into"
I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her
I found you

I would never fall in love again until I found her
I said, "I would never fall unless it's you I fall into"
I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her
I found you

The song ends and I pull her close so she's touching my chest.

"You are my 'Georgia' in this song." I kiss her on her lips a little stronger this time and she kisses right back.

Sorry guys...there's not detailed smut in this book! Just not comfortable writing it, also probably wouldn't write it right. But if anyone wants to write it for me I'd be absolutely ecstatic!!


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