Chapter 16

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When Fennrin woke up, he almost gasped when he opened his eyes, only to see Ainreth sleeping next to him, an arm thrown over Fennrin's chest, with his nose pressed against his shoulder, drooling a little, and why the sun was that adorable?

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When Fennrin woke up, he almost gasped when he opened his eyes, only to see Ainreth sleeping next to him, an arm thrown over Fennrin's chest, with his nose pressed against his shoulder, drooling a little, and why the sun was that adorable?

Fennrin shook his head, refusing to even rationalize it—too happy to rationalize it, honestly. This whole thing was crazy to think about.

Him liking someone like Ain he could have predicted. Ainreth was charming, loving, very attractive, powerful both in ability and status.... And Fennrin had been staying with him. No wonder he'd develop feelings for the lightweaver.

But for Ain to like him back? To declare it publicly like he had? Fennrin felt a little like he was dreaming. It made his head spin. But he wouldn't let himself do the usual thing and overthink. He wanted to enjoy this, for however long it was going to last. Though Ain certainly seemed committed. Fennrin still couldn't believe he'd called him his future husband.

Yes, he'd been drunk, and Fennrin wouldn't take it too seriously, but it still made his heart flutter happily. He was fairly used to being wanted for his unique abilities, though the use of them now was certainly much better than doing a shadow puppet show. But Ainreth wanted him for him, which wasn't something Fennrin was very familiar with. He doubted it had happened since he'd been disowned and lost the friend he'd had back then due to being forced to leave his hometown, though there had been nothing deep about that friendship.

"Do you usually watch people sleep?" Ain mumbled, opening his eyes a crack to look at Fennrin. The shadowforger felt his face grow warm as his eyes immediately darted away, staring off at the window on his right.

"Uh, apologies, I—"

"Aw, Fenn, I'm just teasing." Ain moved closer to him, wrapping his arms around him with a dazzling smile on his face. "I know I'm hard not to stare at."

Fennrin huffed, rolling his eyes, but he couldn't even pretend to be annoyed as he immediately hugged back. His heart skipped a beat when he noticed the aura of light surrounding Ainreth all of a sudden.

Right, that happened when he was happy. Fennrin didn't think he'd believe it if he'd heard someone tell him about it. It was just so.... Fennrin didn't even have the right word to describe it, but he did know he loved seeing it.

As his eyes ran over Ain's body, he noticed the tunic he was wearing, a very dark gray one, had small suns embroidered into it with gold thread. He hadn't realized that before, though he'd seen Ainreth wear this tunic.

"Is everything you wear sun-themed?"

Ainreth chuckled, winking at him. "Of course. It looks good, doesn't it? And it annoys all the older soldiers."

Fennrin frowned. "How is that a good thing?"

Ain laughed again, the sound so melodic and beautiful. Fennrin was so happy he could properly experience it now that he was letting himself. Now that he felt like it wouldn't be inappropriate and that it wouldn't upset him to do so.

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