Chapter 19

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There's a sex scene in the second half of this chapter, please skip it if that makes you uncomfy

They got back to Kyr-Toryl ten weeks after they had originally left, and all the snowing was giving way to rain instead, the snow on the ground melting slowly but surely, the cold only properly intense now during the night

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They got back to Kyr-Toryl ten weeks after they had originally left, and all the snowing was giving way to rain instead, the snow on the ground melting slowly but surely, the cold only properly intense now during the night. And while Fennrin liked that winter was slowly coming to an end because he didn't enjoy the cold, much, it did fill him with anxiety. Because soon, a new war might break out.

And he could tell Ainreth was thinking about this too, no matter how much he smiled and chattered about unimportant things. But Fennrin didn't doubt Ain's prowess in combat. He was sure they would emerge victorious with both of them fighting together. Fennrin didn't think his own fighting was that good, but as long as he could grab shadows and snap necks, he would be useful, moon be willing.

As they entered the city again, they were met with a person here or there waving at them or greeting Ainreth, but the atmosphere seemed heavier than when they'd left. Or perhaps Fennrin was just projecting, it was difficult to tell.

After they left their horses at the stables, Petre gave Fennrin the carrier box with Snowflake, excusing themselves as they likely went home. Fennrin couldn't blame them. He too wanted to go home, very interested in relaxing after such a long trip, but once they got up to the palace, they were stopped by a guard and told to go see Daryan.

Fennrin didn't really want to force Snowflake to be stuck in her box for longer than she already had been, but they couldn't just ignore the Herald's wishes, so they let themselves be led inside the palace where Daryan was once again in the greenhouse.

Fennrin blinked when he saw him turn a plant from green to blue, not aware that a sproutkeeper could do such a thing. The man's face brightened when he saw them, much like Ainreth's darkened.

"I hear the trip was a success," Daryan said, smiling, despite Ain looking like he wanted to call him every insult under the sun.

"I hope so," Fennrin said, not sure what else to add. Only time would tell how much of an effect this trip had been, but people did seem to see him in a better light now, either way. The farther they'd gotten, the less likely they were to run into people actively fearing him.

"There haven't been any other protests, if that helps," Daryan added, his smile growing into a toothy grin. "Good work." Then his expression darkened. "Unfortunately, Orinovo does seem determined to attack. We tried to communicate with them, and come to some kind of agreement, but the queen refuses to negotiate. And her army is amassing. They will attack any day now."

Fennrin nodded grimly. He had been afraid that was what would happen, but actually hearing it put him in an even worse mood. He looked at Ainreth as he adjusted his hold on Snowflake's box, only to see his formerly hateful expression had transformed into a worried one.

"The Bulwark will be sending you to the border wall," Daryan continued, a saddened grimace on his face. As if he was feeling guilty about it, which was ridiculous. Fennrin had already agreed to defend Lys-Akkaria. And besides, it was his job to protect Ainreth, who, as a general, was definitely coming. There would be no discussion.

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