Chapter 1 : Wei Ying Wish

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When Wei Ying removed his hand from Lan Zhan hand, he look up at Lan Zhan. He can see the hurt, sadness and how devastated Lan Zhan is when he see the person who he love the most is falling down to the abyss below him.

"Wei Ying!" 'No. This can't be happening. Tell me this is just a dream. A dream where when I wake up, Wei Ying will be the in Cloud Recesse with his clan.'

When Wei Ying fall deeper, deeper into the abyss below him, one thing went through his mind, 'Lan Zhan, if I could have one wish...I wish that I got the chance to tell you that I love you. If there is a chance for me to change the past, then I will change everything. I'm sorry My Hanguang Jun.'

Wei Ying didn't feel the impact of the ground, instead he feel a comfort and soft mattress underneath him. "Hey Wei Wuxian! Wake up or we will be late!"

'Be late for what?!' Wei Ying opened his eye, he look around the room, 'I'm back? Great just great.' He sat up on his bed, "Wei Wuxian! If you don't wake up! I will break down this door!" Shouted the person behind the door.

"I'm awake Jiang Cheng. Go on ahead first!" When Wei Ying heard the sound of footstep walking away, he sigh, 'This is it Wei Wuxian. You can't be the same person as the one in the future. You need to change your self. Be Yiling Laozu Wei Wuxian,'

Wei Ying clothes change from red and black to full red and a little bit of black. Instead of his usual tie up ponytail, he tie his hair up in a half ponytail. His eye, they weren't the big round silver eye but narrowed eye shape instead. 'This will be the new me,' "I can still feel the resentment energy, is still there. I can use this for my advantage."

Wei Ying left his room, he went to where the Jiang family is at. "Jiang shushu, Shijie, Jiang Cheng," all three turn to see Wei Ying, "A-Xian, have you change?" Jiang Fengmian asked.

"No, I'm still the same," Wei Ying sat down between Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli. After they all ate, the Jiang clan left to head to Gusu. 'If we get there by boat then that peacock will take up the whole inn. And there Jiang Cheng who lost our invitation, Shijie is sad that the peacock didn't treat her right,' "Shijie, when we arrive in Caiyi town. How about we just head straight to Cloud Recesse?"

"Let's do that," they take the boat there, either way they will head to Cloud Recesse once they arrive.

Just like that when they arrive in Caiyi town, Jiang Yanli, Jiang Wanyin, Wei Ying and the Jiang disciple head up to Cloud Recesse. 'It is best not to run into Lan Zhan. I will just push him away and keep my distance from him. If I remember correctly, Lan Zhan told me that his home has been burn down by the Wen clan. Didn't he said that his father pass away due to his injury? I will try to get his father out of seclusion. I will also help with the fire as well.'

Jiang Cheng show the gate keeper their invitation, "if you head up, there is a disciple that is waiting for you. They will show you where your clan will be staying."

When the Jiang clan have settle down in their room, Wei Ying left cloud Recesse to wonder around Caiyi town. While walking around Caiyi town, Wei Ying see the Jin clan. 'Arrogant peacock. What does Shijie like about you anyway? You gave her the cold shoulder but in the end, he felt the same way about Shijie.'

Wei Ying went to one of the wine inn, he felt like he doesn't want to head back yet. 'This place haven't change one bit. It is still the same.'

By the time the sun is about to set below the horizon, Wei Ying see Jin Zixuan and his disciple left the inn on the other side of the river. 'I do hate the Lan clan rule. Didn't they think about sending out their rule first before sending out their lecture invitation?' "Well is time to head back to Cloud Recesse.' Wei Ying left the inn, he take his time to walk back to Cloud Recesse.

When Wei Ying arrive at the gate he notice that there is no one around, "Ah, this is like before," Wei Ying draw a talisman in the air, he sent it toward the shield, the spell dissipated.

Wei Ying smirk at this, "the Lan clan shield sure is weak," he continue to walk up to Cloud Recesse. Wei Ying jump up on to the roof, he look right and left, he found a place to sit down to drink his Tianzi Xiao.

Lan Zhan is walking around to see if there is anyone around. As he walk to another area he see a shadow on the ground, so he look up on the roof, there he see a person drinking wine on the roof.

'Here he come,' Wei Ying look out the corner of his eye, he see Lan Zhan jumping up into the roof. "Were you the one who broke the shield?" Lan Zhan asked. With one eye covering by his hair and the other one is expose, Wei Ying said, "What if it was me?"

"That is broken one of the Lan family clan rule. Those who return after 5 can't come back until tomorrow. Alcohol is forbidden in Cloud Recesse, that is another rule you have broken."

Wei Ying put down his wine, he stand up, he disappear from there and reappear in front of Lan Zhan. This surprise Lan Zhan, he back away from Wei Ying. His back hit the pillar on the other side. Wei Ying appear in front of Lan Zhan again. He take Lan Zhan chin in his hand. He ran his thumb across Lan Zhan lips, he want to kiss it so much.

Lan Zhan can feel his heart skipping a beat, 'I never got the chance to kiss Lan Zhan.' Wei Ying end up kissing Lan Zhan. This cause Lan Zhan eye to went wide.

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