Chapter 5

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Without turning around to look at Lan Zhan, Wei Ying said, "I don't have to answer you that. All you need to know is.....just stay away from me. Nothing good will happen if you get to close to me." After saying that Wei Ying left from there leaving a very shock Lan Zhan behind.

'I still want to know! I want to know why you look so sad, hurt, and lost. I can see that you went through a lot of thing and I want to know,' Lan Zhan decide to go find Wei Ying.

"I know that he went this way." Lan Zhan doesn't know it but Wei Ying is at the very top of the tree. He is looking down at Lan him from the very top. '*Sigh* This Lan Wangji is the same as Lan Zhan from the future. He doesn't give up.'

Wei Ying lay back with his hand behind his head, 'the next thing I need to do is save Wen Qing, Wen Ning and their family. I can't let them go through the same thing again. Especially Wen Ning....I can't turn Wen Ning into a fierce corpse, not this time.'

When Wei Ying hear footstep walking away, he look down, 'Finally,' he look back up into the sky. 'Never thought that Cloud Recesse have a place like this. Well I didn't get to do this while I was here in Cloud Recesse. It was class all day. Kind of boring.'

Since there is no class the following day, Wei Ying decide to go find Wen Qing and Wen Ning. Wei Ying went to the place where the Wen sibling is staying, he knock on the door.

Wen Qing open the door, "Wen guniang, may I speak with you and your didi?" Wei Ying asked nicely. Wen Qing nodded her head, "please come in." Wen Qing step aside to let Wei Ying walk into the room that she is staying in.

"My name is Wei Ying, courtesy Wuxian. You, are Wen Qing and this is your didi Wen Ning?" Wen Qing and Wen Ning both nodded their head. "There is a reason why I come to talk to you two. Do you believe a person can travel from the future into the past?" Wei Ying asked Wen Qing.

"It is possible, they can create a talisman to sent them back into the past. Wait, are you saying you...." Wei Ying nodded his head. "Wen Qing, you, Wen Ning and your family suffers a lot after the war ended between Wen Rouhan and the five main clan. The Jin captured the remnant Wen, use them as a target practice and hunt them down like they are animal. They put you to work at a labor camp. But what worst is....."

Wei Ying look at Wen Ning, "Wen Ning got kill by the clan disciple. They put a luring flag through his stomach. I end up bringing back Wen Ning alive and turn him into a fierce corpse."

Wen Qing body is shaking, "A-Ning....A-Ning....die."

"Jie Jie. It hasn't happen yet." Wen Ning comforted his sister. "I know that you can't leave Dafan Mountain but you need to leave from there. If not, your whole family will died by the hand of the cultivator. I don't want that to happen again."

"But how will we leave from there without Wen Rouhan seeing us?" Wen Qing asked. "Why don't you leave that to me? When I get your family to safety, I will come back to let you know."

"Thank you, Wei gongzi." Wei Ying stay for a little bit longer, he want to explain to Wen Qing what he will do and how will he get her and Wen Ning to the place where her family is living.

That night as Wei Ying left Wen Qing and Wen Ning room, Wei Ying let out a long breath that he didn't know that he was holding in. 'The only place that I can take them to is the burial mound. That place somehow is deserted.'

'I would love to get my hand on Tianzi Xiao right now. There is no wine here in Cloud Recesse.' Wei Ying have on a smirk, "I don't care about the rule right now. Might as well leave for the night." When Wei Ying jump on the roof, he see Lan Zhan standing in a tower.

"Well....well well, isn't Lan er gongzi. Isn't pass your bed time?" Wei Ying asked Lan Zhan. "I should be asking you the same thing. Are you try to leave Cloud Recesse?" Wei Ying jump down from the roof on to the other side of the wall.

"I am. Stop me if you can Lan er gongzi," Wei Ying walk away from there. Lan Zhan decide to follow Wei Ying down to Caiyi town, 'I can't believe I am breaking my own clan rule.'

When Lan Zhan try to catch up to Wei Ying, he didn't see Wei Ying anywhere. "I didn't expect Lan er gongzi to break his own rule," Lan Zhan look to his left to see Wei Ying lending against a tree. "I only come with you, so that you won't get in trouble."

"If you said so," the place Wei Ying take them to is the wine inn. "Do you want to try some, Lan er gongzi?" Wei Ying asked Lan Zhan. "No, thank you."

"What up with you Lan? Have you ever drink a cup of wine before?" Lan Zhan shake his head no. "Your missing out on the taste, well more for me," they were sitting at the top of the floor. They look out into the street to see all of the people going from on place to the next.

"Wei Wuxian, why did you kiss me that night?" Wei Ying lend back with a smirk on his face. "What do you like it?" Lan Zhan ear turn red, "What?! No I don't like it!"

"Oh really? To me, it seem like you like it. Do you want to try again? Do you want to answer my question again?" Wei Ying reach over to take Lan Zhan chin, he lend forward and kissed Lan Zhan.

Lan Zhan pull away while he covering his mouth with his hand. "Wei Wuxian what are you trying to do?!" Shouted Lan Zhan. "You said that you didn't like it, so I was trying to  get you to answer me again. Did you like it?" Wei Ying asked with a smirk on his face.

"No, I don't like it! So stop trying to kiss me!"

"Then...." Wei Ying eye turn red, "Then why didn't you listen to me? I told you time again and again to stay away.  Why do keep on following me? I don't like people like you. If you keep on following me, misfortunes will fall on you and your clan."

A mist of dark energy surrounded Lan Zhan, "this Lan Wangji, will keep,you away from me. Come close, they will attack you. Now go back to your clan and stay there." The next thing Lan Zhan know, he is back in cloud Recesse.

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