Chapter 6

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When Lan Zhan went to class the next day, he didn't see Wei Ying there. Even the Jiang sibling didn't see Wei Ying there either. As class ended for the day, Lan Zhan went to see if he can find Wei Ying in his clan dormitory or not.

Lan Zhan knock on Wei Ying door, no one answer the door, he knock for the second time, still no one answer the door. Lan Zhan decide to open the door, he went into the room, "No one is here. Where did you go?"

"Wei Wuxian!" In come Jiang Wanyin and Jiang Yanli, "A-Xian!" The two didn't see Wei Ying anywhere but they see, "Lan er gongzi, are you looking for Wei Wuxian?"  Lan Zhan only nodded his head.

"A-Xian," Jiang Yanli look around the room, "Jie, he not here. Where did that troublemaker went?" Jiang Wanyin asked his sister.

Wei Ying is now outside of the burial mound, he make a portal, a portal that led from the front of the burial mound to the other side of the mountain. "It is the safest place for the Wen to live. Only the Wen Qing clan can come and go,no other Wen can go in. All they can go in is to the center of the burial mound. Right is all set. Now off to Dafan Mountain."

'I will have to get that sword in there later. Getting the Wen to safety is my first priority,' Wei Ying got on his sword as he head to Dafan Mountain. When Wei Ying arrive he went to find the person who make the wine.

"Excuse me," the person turn to look at Wei Ying, "Yes, how may I help you?" He asked Wei Ying. "Wen Qing sent me here."

"Wen guniang?" Wei Ying nodded his head, "She want me to tell you that your clan is in danger. She want me to take you and everyone else here to a new place to stay. She will meet you there later."

"Then I will go tell everyone," with that he went to gather up all of his family. While waiting for the Wen clan to gather their thing, Wei Ying look around the place. 'I hope we will get there without any problem.'

About an hour or so later everyone in the Wen clan got their thing ready, "gongzi, we are ready to go." Wei Ying nodded his head.

It take Wei Ying and the Wen clan about 3 to 5 day to arrive at the burial mound. When they finally arrive at the burial mound, the Wen clan is confuse, "Gongzi, where are we?" That same person asked Wei Ying.

"This is the path to the burial mound but we are not living here. We are going to the other side of the mountain."

"The other side? How do you get there?" He asked.

"Do you see that spell gate up there?" Wei Ying pointed for everyone to see, they nodded their head. "Only your clan can either through there. No, other Wen clan can enter it. Uncle, why don't you go in first?" The uncle nodded his head.

As he walk up to the gate, he walk through it and that it when he is on the other side of the mountain. "Everyone," they nodded their head. One by one they walk into the gate and come out at the other end.

Wei Ying turn to walk into the gate, he can see how happy the Wen clan is. "Uncle, granny, when you walk back toward the gate it will take you outside. Yiling town isn't far from here." 'I should put up a protection where children can't go through.'

Wei Ying use the tree as the protection. He put a barrier where only adult can go through but not the children. If the children is with the adults then they can go through.

"Gongzi, we have settle down now," Wei Ying nodded his head, "then I will go tell Wen Qing that her family is safe. This place have everything you needed. Take care," the uncle nodded his head so Wei Ying left from there.

When Wei Ying arrive back at Cloud Recesse, he see a very angry Lan Zhan. "What do you want now, Lan Wangji? I have something that I need to do." Wei Ying said with a very annoying tone in his voice.

When Lan Zhan try to get close to Wei Ying the resentment energy surrounded Lan Zhan. "Watch it Lan Wangji, if you are not careful they will attack you."

"Your sibling is looking for you. Don't you know how worry they are when they couldn't find you in cloud Recesse?" Lan Zhan said in a rather angry tone in his voice.

"They don't have to worry about me. I can take care of myself, as for you....we are not friend. If you see me around, try to walk the other way."

After saying that Wei Ying left from there. Leaving a very shock and hurt Lan Zhan behind. 'No time to be back to the way I was before. I can't involve anyone.' Wei Ying knock on Wen Qing door, "Wei gongzi, Jie was waiting for you."

"Wen Qing, I got your family to a safe place. Wen Rouhan won't be able to find them. If you like I can take you there. You need to be away from the Wen clan as well, beside," Wen Qing look at Wen Ning, "Once the lecture is over, we can leave."

"No, you need to leave now. If you wait, you won't be able to leave at all. You need to make a decision now."

"Jie," Wen Qing look at her didi. She turn back to look at Wei Ying, "okay, when do we leave?" Wen Qing asked.

"We can leave tonight. Get your thing ready and we will head to the burial mound."

"The burial mound?" Wei Ying nodded his head, "they live on the other side. Not inside of the burial mound. So I will see you two tonight?" Wen Qing and Wen Ning nodded their head.

Wei Ying left so that Wen Qing and her brother can get everything ready. While heading back to his room Wei Ying hear, "that is impossible, the town people said that they see something dark out in the water. How come there is nothing?" Come one of the Lan disciple.

'That is because I already took care of it,' Wei Ying continued to walk to him room.

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