:11: Family Forgiveness

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word count:  578

[ A/N : This is a short one to keep you guys entertained while i continue working on the big one!  I promise, I'll come back to focusing on Fizzy and Ozzie soon!!  I haven't really written a story about them 2 in particular for a while!  Also, can you guess who's in my new top 5 favorite characters already?😏 Anyways, I promise, more too come! (And very soon!) ] 

It had been an exhausting day, both mentally and physically.  Had he gone miles out of his comfort zone?  Excruciatingly, yes.  But, was the outcome worth it?  As much as he hates to admit it.. yes.  Yes it was.  

Mammon laid as still as could be, the body below him breathed softly, arms slung on Mammons back.  He sighed, trying to relax.  He closed his eyes, laying into his brothers fluffy chest.  Mammon curled his legs to his chest the best he could, his tails wrapping around one of Asmodeus' arm.  

He cried.

For the first time in a long  time, Mammon cried.  And, he tried not to.  He tried to hold it in, but he couldn't.  He wanted people to see how he felt, to feel how he felt.. but he couldn't.  He didn't have the guts to be vulnerable.  So instead, he sobbed into his asleep brothers chest.  His brother who he hadn't talked to in months, potentially years, and they only time they did talk was if they were arguing.  Mammon still could remember when Asmodeus broke Mammons arm over Fizzarolli.  Oh, how he envied him.  It was his brother, he should be the one getting atleast some sort of love, but no.  Asmodeus has locked him out for such a long time, and when he finally decided to apologize it was because of that little robot had convinced him to. 

It was out of pity, and Mammon was aware of it.  He was greedy, but not stupid.  Asmodeus had held him tight after he apologized, probably sensing the tears that were threatening Mammons eyes at that moment.  Pity.

Mammon clutched Asmodeus' chest as he tried his best to keep quiet, but inevitably it didn't work.  He felt the hand that once laid on his back, sling around Mammon entirely and pulling him into a hug.  

"It's okay.  I'm sorry"  Asmodeus whispered, sitting up and holding Mammon close.  

"Why- Why weren't you- why weren't you there for m-me?" Mammon shakily whispered, falling limp against Asmodeus as he gently rubbed Mammons back.

"I'm sorry.  I was too caught up with everything to even notice what I was doing wrong." Asmodeus laid his head ontop of Mammons, one of his arms coming to brush through his thick and messy hair.

"I was al-alone.  All alone.  You left me alone!"  Mammon managed to keep a whisper.  He weakly punched Asmodeus in his chest, Mammons scarred arms falling back into his lap.  Asmodeus said nothing.

"Forgive me, brother."

Mammon wanted to scream.  He wanted to curse Asmodeus out and walk away.  He wanted to steal that little robot guy and leave while flicking both Fizz and Asmodeus off.  But he couldn't.  Instead, he just had to calm down.

Mammon quickly fell to sleep on Asmodeus' lap, Asmodeus practically cradling him.  Asmodeus hadn't moved positions since Mammons hissy fit, and he wouldn't risk waking Mammon up.  

"Please.  I'm sorry, Sachiel."  Asmodeus whispered in Mammons hair, hoping Mammon could somehow hear him.  Hoping that Mammon would consider.

Hoping that forgiveness was an option, after all this time.

Asmodeus x Fizzarolli Oneshots (Fizzarozzie)Where stories live. Discover now