Ch. 2

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I was surprised that Jeremy suggested we hang out off campus. I'd prepared myself to look decent enough to consider this a date, but Jeremy showed up in an all black sweat suit, with a pair of aviator sunglasses.

"Going incognito much?" I asked as I vaulted into the giant sized car.

"Kind of, yeah. Hey, are you okay in that seat? I didn't even think about getting a-"

"I do not need an adult booster seat. Those are so dumb,"

"Yeah but aren't they safer for you since-"

"Wow... are you going to take a stab at my height already?!"

"What?! No. I-I didn't mean to offend you, I just-"

"Dude... Jeremy. Chill out. I'm just messing with you," I admitted through my laughter. Even through Jermey's tan skin I could see how flushed he was. How was such a massive guy this shy?!

We suddenly veered off the main road, and began making our way down a dirt road that was surrounded by a forest of massive trees. Jeremy finally stopped the car, and was on the other side to lift me out of the giant seat I'd been sitting in. When he lifted me I could feel how gentle his big hands were being as they came into contact with my much smaller body. He finally set me down, and the two of us walked silently to a river that conveniently had some boulders for us to sit a safe distance from the water.

"Alright Jeremy, please tell me you didn't bring me out here to kill me?"

"What?! Why would you think that?"

"Dude, there's no one around us... it's the middle of the forest... it'll be dark soon..."

"No... I just thought we'd come out here so we could talk... I'm assuming you might have questions..." Jeremy replied, his voice growing quieter at the end.

"Yeah... I guess I do. So, how long have you been able to size shift?" I asked, jumping straight to the biggest question that's been floating around my mind for the past two days. Jeremy didn't want to discuss the other night over text so, it was now or never.

"It's interesting that you asked how long instead of asking how it was even possible in the first place," Jermey responded, his light brown eyes narrowing as he stared at me.

"Hey, you didn't answer my question... how long?"

"It technically started 2 years ago. I was 17 when my Dad forced me to participate in this trial. Before then, I hadn't been nearly as tall and muscular as I am now. The serum thing they gave me... everyone thought it didn't work. At least it didn't work how they'd wanted it to. I think they wanted it to make me huge, like really huge, like over a hundred feet tall... but instead, I grew a couple inches over the year and packed on some more muscle mass... at least that's all they think happened,"

"Wait, so no one knows you can shift?"

"God no. It didn't even happen until a few months ago... You're the only one who knows..."

"Really? Wow... why haven't you told anyone else?"

"If my dad found out... it wouldn't be good... I just know it. Plus, I'm assuming it will scare people if they see me do it. The other night, we're lucky I only grew 10 feet or so..."

"How big can you get?!" I asked, as butterflies stirred in the pit of my stomach in anticipation. Wtf. Why was this exciting me?

"I don't know... but big. Like one time I shifted so tall that I was taller then most of these trees,"

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