Ch. 5

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"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Asher asked as he looked up at me, with his eyes wide. Asher's eye had been healing throughout the week, but the proof of what my own father had orchestrated was still evident. However, I didn't care about that. I couldn't care about that. Tonight was the night of what I'm going to consider Asher and I's first real date. We'd already done the fancy food and long walk under the moonlight portion. Now was the part I'd been really gearing myself up for. Asher and I stood outside of the Alpha Gamma Phi house, more than ready to spend some time in my room... but first I needed to make something clear, to the rest of my football team and fraternity brothers.

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life," I said as I gave his tiny hand... the one that wasn't broken, a slight squeeze, always conscious not to use too much strength on Asher. "Umm Asher, could I carry you?"

"Again? I feel like I've hardly walked all night," Asher replied laughing.

"What can I say? I like having you in my arms,"

"Well then... yes, you may,"

I bent down and gently held Asher's soft and small body in my massive arms. He looked like the size of a giant kindergartener, but he certainly felt like a man. Carrying Asher felt like carrying a king. He was so confident and special. Such a treasure. It was an honor to hold and protect him. I'd had enough of my days, not protecting him... that had to end.

I walked into the Alpha Gamma Phi house holding Asher unapologetically. I was done hiding.

"What up! Wait, whoa.... What's he doing here?" Blake said, going from excited to perplexed.

"Everyone, I have someone I'd like you to meet!" I announced, causing all of my frat brothers to gather into our living room. "Everyone, this is Asher Clark Thompson, and he is a man that I like, very very much. Tonight we went on our first real date. Our first of many, I hope... And I just wanted to make something clear. In light of the events that took place last week, I know some have worried that Asher was going to try and ruin your lives, however, Asher is a much better man than anyone in this frat... so he wouldn't do something like that... However, I am not Asher... If any of you so much as thinks about putting a hand on my Asher, I will show you just how strong I really am... Understood?"

I marched upstairs, still carrying Asher before setting him down in my room.

"Okay, that was hot! I think I like it when you go all alpha male on me,"

"Mmm do you now?!" I said as I carefully scooped Asher up and layed him on top of me on my bed. Asher straddled me and tried to makeout, but we were blocked by his still messed up nose and slightly bruised face... I looked up and also noticed he'd been trying to balance his weight with only having access to one hand, for this other hand was broken. Yeah, no.... That wouldn't do.

"Let me make you feel good, Asher," I said as I picked him up and placed him on my bed. Now I got on top, feeling huge as I looked down at his miniscule form. I started by kissing his body everywhere that I could see skin, even taking my time to kiss near his eye, having to be extra gentle. Then, when I ran out of space, it was time to get rid of his clothes. I undressed him, taking my time as I took each article of clothing off. Once I finally had him completely naked, I decided to make this fair, and took my clothes off as well.

"Holy shit!"


"Your dick... fuck..."

"Right now it's about yours..."


Jeremy's soft lips enveloped my cock, making my heart race. His lips were so big. The inside of his mouth was so much larger than anyone I'd experienced before. And yet, he used his tongue and the rest of his mouth to wrap tightly, caressing my cock, making me feel a euphoric hum.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2023 ⏰

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