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I scarfed down cornflakes in my boring empty kitchen. My heart was pounding like crazy. I couldn't wait to get over to Timothy's house. Even though it looked dreadful and Timothy himself was a handful, I was dying to eat some more great meat tonight and tomorrow!

I grabbed the bag I left in the hallway.

"Where the hell are you going?" My dad asked, slurring his words. He was drunk as usual.

"Uh.. a friend's."

"Did you ask?"

"I thought you were sleeping."

"So? Never stopped you before." My dad's eyes were glazed over, cold, harsh. There was no love in his look. I tensed up.

"I'm sorry. Can I stay with a friend this weekend?" I tried to stop my voice from trembling. I hated when I sounded like this. Like a child.. Like back in the day.

Dad curled his lip. Then he scoffed. "Sure. Leave." He waved me away. "You all do."

Dad shuffled back up the stairs. I felt bad cause for a moment he seemed genuinely hurt. I considered staying. But then I reminded myself that staying with him when he was like this had never helped him.. or me.

I rushed out the door.

I pulled up to the sunny, lively neighborhood. Just being here calmed me down and helped me forget my rocky start to the day.

I got out of the car and rang the doorbell. It was cold out so I hoped they'd open up quick.

"Tim? Get the door, will ya?" I heard Joe's voice from inside the house.

After a minute of waiting I rang again. I heard someone walk down the stairs.

Another thirty seconds later Timothy opened the door.

I bit my lip so my mouth wouldn't drop.

Maybe what he was wearing wasn't that spectacular... if he'd been a girl! It shocks me every time and somehow manages to piss me off.

Timothy sleepily rubbed his eyes as he adjusted to the bright daylight. He wore black shorts, bright yellow socks and a big bright yellow shirt with a broken heart on it.

I couldn't help but stare at his legs. They were honestly.. killer. They were soft-looking and thin but still had really nice shape to them. Goddamn, it was even worse than when he wore those fucking skinny jeans!


I remembered to look at his face. "What?!" I snapped.

"Are you sick or something? Your whole face is red.."

Saying that didn't exactly help.

"None of your business, freak." I grumbled as I went inside.

When I was turned away from him I tried to collect myself. I took a few breaths and thought of how ugly the interior was instead of how stunning his legs were.

Timothy yawned. Guess he just got out of bed. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

Joe came down the stairs just that moment. "Josh is staying over this weekend. He needed a place to crash and I thought it'd be good company for you. Since I'm going on that fishing trip I told you about."

"But.. you said I'd be alone." Timothy looked seriously disappointed.

"Yes, well. Now you won't have to be!" Joe chuckled nervously.

Timothy crossed his arms. "I'm old enough to be home alone. I don't need a babysitter!"

He was no fool.

[BoyxBoy] ✓ I Fell In Love With An Emo BoyWhere stories live. Discover now