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I walked into T's room the next morning just as he was about to walk out.

"I don't know why you're dressed. You can go ahead and take it all off again."

Timothy scoffed. "We have school."

"We can skip first period. Or better yet, not go at all."

"Yeah, except, I would actually like to graduate this year." Timothy tried to walk by me. I pulled him close to me.

"I've been waiting all night for this."

"You're so dramatic."

"No, you are. One missed class isn't going to tank your year. Now be a good boy and turn around." I smirked.

Timothy raised his eyebrows. "You're so romantic. I feel so loved."

I smacked my teeth. "You already know I love you,"

Wait, what the fuck!

Timothy's eyes widened.

"I didn't know that." T blinked a few times. "Actually."

My whole face was going red and I absolutely could not look at him.

Why the fuck did I just say that? Where the hell did that even come from?!

"Fuck it, let's go to school." I turned away.

"No, no, no, hold on." Timothy grabbed my arm. "What did you just say?" He smiled, leaning in.


"I think I heard something." Timothy insisted.

I sighed. "Just let it go. It slipped out, okay?" I looked at the ground.

"So you didn't mean it?"

Crap. I was stuck. No matter what I said now I was fucked. Especially since there was no way in holy hell Timothy was ready to say it back. He probably didn't even fucking feel that way.

Joe walked into the room. T let go of my arm.

"Surprise! I have the day off so I can bring you boys to school!"

"You can bring Timothy, I'll take my car." I rushed out of the room.

I was so fucked. Timothy knew I loved him. It was a catastrophe. Why the fuck did I have to say that?

I sat alone in the history classroom since I was way too early.

"Yo." Dave said as he walked into the classroom. He sat next to me.


He looked tired.

"What's your deal? Did you spend all night boning Jennifer?" I smirked.

Dave frowned. "No?" He snapped.

"What's your problem?" I asked.

Dave shrugged.

"Your dad again? What did he do now?"

Dave took a slow, deep breath.

He looked out the window.

"Dude," I grabbed his shoulder. He jerked his arm away.

His eyes were filled with tears. What the hell was going on? In all the years I'd known him Dave never cried.

The collar of his shirt moved down a little. There was a bruise on his neck.


His lips trembled as he tried to hold in his tears.

[BoyxBoy] ✓ I Fell In Love With An Emo BoyWhere stories live. Discover now