Chapter 53

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Saturday 24th April, 1977

It was nice to be back at Hogwarts. Sure, I missed my parents, and my house, but Hogwarts would always have a special place in my heart, especially because it's where all my friends were. Currently I was in an empty classroom with Regulus, Barty, Evan, Avery, and Pandora.

"I'm so glad you two are back together," Pandora stated happily from her seat on the floor.

"Me too," Avery added, "but not as much as Barty of course."

Barty shot a glare at Avery, but I was already too interested. "What does that mean?"

"He missed you the most out of all of us," Evan said, cackling at Barty's betrayed expression. "He always complained about you not being there.

I looked to Barty, finding his face beat red with a scowl on it and smiled fondly. "Oh Barty, how sweet!"

Barty stood up, glaring daggers at me and everyone else in the room.

"I hate you all," he said, before storming out of the room, slamming the door behind him. We all laughed, knowing he would be back in no time.

I felt warmed though, that Barty had missed me. I was glad he liked me, and glad that he'd come to think of me as a part of their group. It made me feel like I belonged with others beside my brother and his friends, which felt good. I loved the marauders to death, but sometimes it was nice to have my own friends.

We hung out for a while, waiting for Barty to return, and I leant against Regulus's chest, smiling when I felt his arms wrap around me. I would never get over the feeling of finally being in his arms again. It was like coming home after so long away, or finding home for the first time.

From the corner of my eye I saw some sort of movement by the door, but when I turned my head nothing was there. Frowning, I stared at the closed door, but when minutes passed and the door still didn't move I gave up and eventually looked away, joining back into the conversation.

Evan had just mentioned that Barty still hadn't come back when the door opened and there Barty was, looking frazzled as he closed the door and ran over to us.

"Selena found out," he said. "She must have seen you guys in here, but now she's telling everyone and-"

Barty was interrupted by the sound of splintering wood as the door was kicked open and there stood Sirius and James, both livid, eyes narrowed on Regulus's arms around me.

I felt like the world had stopped. This couldn't be happening, could it? James. Sirius. My friends. My brothers. Surely they wouldn't be mad. Surely they could see that Regulus made me happy and get over whatever anger they were feeling. Surely they'd care about how I felt more than how they felt.


"James?" I asked quietly. "Sirius?"

Their eyes slowly moved to me, analysing my face. I hoped they could see my pain, my want to be with Regulus. I hoped they'd be able to understand that I loved Regulus. He was my boyfriend and I loved him. I hoped they would understand that.

"Get your fucking hands off my sister," James snarled, lunging forwards.

I stood up to meet him, pushing him back before he could touch Regulus. "James stop!"

"What the fuck are you doing?" James yelled at me. "Sneaking around with Sirius's brother? With a Slytherin?"

"Not all Slytherins are bad-" I started.

"This one is!" Sirius yelled, cutting me off. His eyes kept darting to Regulus, and his face was full of hurt. "He's a blood purist, Y/n. He's a lying piece of scum who thinks all Muggleborns should be killed! He's just like my parents!"

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