Chapter 55

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Friday 30th April, 1977

The marauders were ignoring me. They didn't look at me in the Great Hall, acknowledge my existence in between classes, or talk to me when I tried to speak to them. That, as well as the added stress of my upcoming O.W.L.s was enough to keep me overwhelmed for the rest of the week. I'd always imagined having the boys' help when my O.W.L.s came up, but from the way things were going that started to seem less and less likely.

I was spending my lunch break in the library, a place I'd started spending more and more time in as my life fell apart, when Regulus sat in the seat next to me. I was about to tell him to get lost, because there were people around and we couldn't let them get suspicious, when I remembered everyone already knew, so I stayed quiet instead.

"Y/n," Regulus said. "I have something important to ask you."

I looked up from my notes, my brow creasing in worry. Had something happened. Had the marauders said something to him? Was the stress of everything too much and he didn't want to date me anymore? I doubted the last one, but these days you never knew what could happen.

"What is it?" I asked hesitantly.

"Will you grant me the honour of taking you on a date to Hogsmeade, now that we can?"

I smiled, feeling relief pool in my gut. Nothing bad had happened. As well as the relief I felt butterflies, because this would be our first real time going to Hogsmeade together as a couple.

"Why of course," I answered. "I'd love to."

Regulus gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, eyes shining with excitement, before he dragged me away from the library and to my next class, which I probably would have missed if not for him. He didn't share that class with me though, so he only dropped me off before leaving to attend his own one.

I had Dorcas though, and during the class I told her about the Hogsmeade date. She made it her mission to help however she could, claiming I needed more happiness in my life right now. I smiled at her, feeling grateful that I had a friend like her. She was so kind, so selfless, I wasn't sure what I'd do without her.

The rest of the day passed by quickly and then I met up with Dorcas for a quick stroll around the grounds. As we walked, we talked about what I was going to wear, where we would go, my worries and excitement about it. It was a nice evening, but as we knew, everything nice had to come to an end at some point.

That point was when we turned a corner and walked right into James and Remus. Sirius and Peter were nowhere to be found, probably somewhere inside the castle. I felt my heart race but they just pushed past me, ignoring me like that had for the past few days. In an act of desperation I grabbed James's arm, stopping him from leaving.

"James please," I said. "Don't ignore me."

James jerked his arm out of my grip. "What do you want us to do instead, yell at you?"

I sighed, frustrated. "Why can't you just be happy for me?"

"He's Sirius's brother, Y/n!" James exclaimed. "He's Walburga's son."

I scoffed. "And Sirius isn't?"

James sent me a dirty look. "No, he's not. He's a part of our family."

I scowled, feeling the anger and hurt raise inside me. Why could he accept Sirius so easily but not me? If he could accept Sirius, why not Regulus? Why did he hate Regulus? Why couldn't he just be happy I'd found love and leave it at love? Why did he have to be so angry?

"Well, it's a bit hard to tell because family aren't supposed to treat each other like this," I spat.

James stared at me, letting his hurt flash briefly across his face before he turned around and left, expecting Remus to trail behind him. Remus stayed though; his face torn as he stared at me. I knew he wasn't upset about me dating Regulus, but rather the rift that had formed between me and Sirius and James over it. They were his best friends, but so was I. I'd become a part of his family just like Sirius and James had, so he was stuck in the middle of all of this. If I wasn't so deep in self pity I would have felt sorry for him.

"Y/n, are you okay?" Remus asked.

I sniffed, trying to ignore the emotions threatening to escape me. "Obviously not."

"Y/n I-"

"Go follow James," I told him. "He needs you more than I do right now."

My words came out harsher than I intended, but they were true. I had Dorcas by my side right now, but James was walking away alone, and I knew it would be better if someone was with him so he could lean on them. Remus stared at me before slowly nodding, giving me a pained smile before turning around and following his best friend.

Dorcas linked our arms and guided as in the opposite direction, continuing our walk. I didn't protest, my mind still on the fight I'd had with James and how much it had hurt.

I'd always had James by my side. He'd always been there for me, encouraging and supporting me whenever I needed it. We'd fought, of course, but never like this. He'd never been so angry with me, not even when I accidently threw Mr Cuddleton ii into the fire. Now, though, it was like there was an icy barrier between us, preventing us from loving each other like we used to. I still loved him, obviously, but sometimes I wondered if he still loved me, because if he did, why was he making me feel like this?

"Hey," Dorcas said, nudging my shoulder with hers. "Let's go back to your dorm, yeah? We can figure out what you're gonna wear for your date."

I smiled at Dorcas's attempt to cheer me up and nodded, hoping thinking about the date would take my mind off James and how much I missed him.


oh my GOD. the DAY that i have had. you'd think i got kidnapped or smthn. like????

reggie and y/n r gonna have a date!!!

james my beloved :( why u doing this??

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