~ Chapter 7 ~

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~ Elizabeth ~

"Make way, for the Lady Elizabeth!" The announcer shouted over the crowd of people. As trumpets began to blare.

I slowly descended my way down the hallway that lead to the throne room. Three laddies followed in my footsteps, holding onto the back of my red silk long train cloak. That connected to my gown.

I decided to wear a black gown with a gold lace design on the hems. I had my hair pined in a tight braid that wrapped around my head.

Today was the day I would be officially inaugurated and given the title, Duchess of Clarence. Followed by a celebration.

It was nerve racking to say the least, especially after the event that took place with Henry, mere days ago. After the kiss, I have being trying my best to avoid him at all cost.

It was stupid mistake that I made that cannot be undone. Even if I do have feelings for him, which I do deeply. He is my sister husband, and I couldn't betray her like that.

I was pulled from my train of thought as the two thick mahogany doors opened up to the throne room. My sister and Henry both seated on the two thrones. My sister was dressed in all red and was wearing one of her many crowns, upon her head. While Henry wore all gold and wore one of his infamous golden crowns.

My father and brother stood behind my sister with their entitlement crowns, along with sir Thomas Cromwell behind Henry.

All the high lords stood present in the room, including Charles. He had been away at his own estate, for a personal get away from court. I couldn't blame him, court can become unbearable at times.

As I entered the room everyone gave me a small bow. Henry stood up and gave me a small smile. As I made my way in front of him, I slowly brought myself to my knees.

I looked over to my sister to see a sour look on her face, as she stared dagger's at me. I looked at her with a confused expression on my face. In response she rolled her eyes and turned to look at Henry with a cheerful expression. Odd.

" Please present, Mr. Cromwell." Henry spoke after sometime in silence, admiring my body.

Mr.Cromwell cleared his throat unwinding the scroll in his possession. " His Majesty, King Henry the Eighth of England. Hereby presents the dukedom of clearance along with the Eltham Palace, to the Lady Elizabeth Boleyn."

I kept my head down looking at my hands on my lap. I didn't have the courage to look Henry in the eyes. Though I could feel his deep stare, staring down at me.

I heard the sounds of foot step approaching from behind. I quickly peaked my head up looking to the side of me.

It was young servant boy holding a coronet crown on a red silk pillow. He stood to the right side of me. My brother departed from his spot behind Anne and stood in front of me.

He nodded at the servant boy before picking up the coronet carefully with both hands. As he slowly brought the crown to place on my head, Mr.Cromwell spoke up once more.

" From this day fourth Ms.Boleyn will be knows as Her grace, the Duchess of Clarence." As the last word fell from Cromwell mouth, George placed the crown on my head.

George leant me his hands as he helped me stand up. The crown was quite heaven as it was made out of pure gold and pearls.

"Your Grace." My brother teased with a smirk plastered on his face giving me a small bow.

I smirked back, letting one of his hand go holding onto the other one. I slowly descended from the room, as I did people slowly got into a bowing position.

When I made my way into the public eye of court, the announcer shouted out loud. " May I introduce you to Her Grace, Lady Elizabeth Boleyn."

Everyone bowed, before making a path down the middle for me. They all broke out into an applause as I continued on.

I couldn't help but smile out of proudness of what I have achieved. Though I did have a little help from Henry, after all he was the one who offer it to me out of kindness.

"Brother, a word." I spoke once we reached the doors of my new quarters. As I have now official have a high nobility title. I now receive accommodations at court and my own household of servants and laddies.

I opened the door gesturing my brother in. He looked hesitant but nonetheless accepted my request and entered.

" What is it, little sister?" He questioned letting a sigh of breath out. Taking a seat on one of the many sofas in the room, pouring some wine for himself.

" What is wrong with Anne? And don't give me any excuses, I know you know what up with her and her attitude." I gently spoke, sitting across from him.

He huffed in annoyance knowing there was no way out of this conversation. "Anne believes you are Henry's new mistress." His words had me in shock.

" That is not true, and besides mistress Seymour is. The whole court knows that." I spoke raising my voice a little, standing up.

" He hasn't laid with her, not since the day after you arrived anyways. Mistress Seymour came to Anne yesterday, saying she found you and Henry out on a long horse ride with one another." My heart started to beat faster. I was afraid this would happen.

I was stupid and naive for thinking no one would claim me as Henry's new mistress, I mean the horse ride was just for some fun. As we both were bored out of our minds. Though I didn't know he stopped lying with the mistress Seymour.

" It was just was a friendly interaction, George. I would never betray Anne like that." I sincerely stated.

George could sense my unease and gently took my arm, pushing me to sit next to him. " And I know that, but with Anne losing the baby she is on edge. She know's you wouldn't. She just needs a few days to think clearly."

" Thanks, George." I gave him a small smile. Laying my head gently on his shoulder. We may not have a close of a bond as him and Anne, but we will alway have each other's back through anything.


Hey Readers 👋,

So sorry I didn't post like I promised I would. I just got really busy this weekend. Though this week, I am not as busy and will be able to post a few more chapters.

Do you think this story's plot is going too slow or too quick, or is going at a good pace?———————>

Bye for now!!!!!

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