~ Chapter 8 ~

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~ Henry ~

" Her grace, Lady Elizabeth Boleyn." I heard the announcer shout as the guest of honor walked in, my Elizabeth.

She had switched out of her ceremonial gown and her cornet, to a more simpler dark blue gown. With her signature three pearl necklaces hanging from her neck. With a dark blue french hood.

Her brother, George accompanied her in. He was making small gestures making her giggle in laughter, though she tried to contain it.

I felt a gentle nudge from my right shoulder. I looked over to see my wife staring me down, with a jealous look in her eyes. Her and I, were both seated in the middle of the ball room sitting on our two thrones.

I had no intention in dealing with her today, especially on this special occasion." What, Anne!" I snapped at her in annoyance.

She sat their in silence staring at me like I was suppose to magically guess what was on her mind. " Either speak, or get that wretched look of your face!"

She huffed in annoyance before speaking. " Have you been laying with my sister?" She spoke under  her breath, trying to hold in her anger.

I on the other hand was taken back by her accusation. I mean does she really think that low of Elizabeth? I mean even if I wanted too, Elizabeth would never betray Anne.

" You really think that low of your sister, Anne?" I questioned with a snarl in my voice.

" Well it explains why you would give her such a high Noble title. I mean honestly Henry, you didn't think I  haven't notice how smitten you two our with each other." She snapped loudly.

" I should have your tongue cut from your mouth, at your vulgar tone. I also don't condemn this behavior, nor do I appreciate being accused of false actions. Is it such a crime to be on acquaintance level with my sister in law." I spilled out in rage.

I mean what could this insult of a person I call my wife, ask any more of me. She can't even produce me with a living son that she promised me.

I looked over to see Elizabeth dancing with Charles. I made me smile seeing her happy. Though a hint of jealous bubbled up in my chest.

Anne on the other hand was frighten at my chosen words, and decided to approach this situation differently.

"Henry, I know your frustrated with me.I know I promised you a son, and I will fulfill that promise. Though running off with other women, like my sister. Will only make us drift father apart. Just give me another chance to give you your heir. Let me make all things right again with us." She purred taking my hand and gently running her hand down it.

Her words just made my chest boil with anger and annoyance. I ripped my hand way from hers before speaking in a hostile voice. " I have given you three chances, Anne! The first you gave me Elizabeth, the next a dead child, and the third a dead son who was barley was in your womb. I am done with given you chances!"

Hurt flashed in her eyes before she quickly stood up slowly making her way out of the ball room. Trying not to make a scene, she contained her tears within tell she could make it to her quarters. Her laddies followed behind in a panic state over their Queens behavior.

I looked over toward Elizabeth to see her staring back at me with worry in her eyes. The anger in my chest dissolved seeing Elizabeth in a distressed state.

I stood up and walked toward her, without stopping I grabbed her hand and dragged her gently with me out of the ball room. Everyone in the room stopped and watched my encounter with Elizabeth. Gossip would surely follow after this stunt. Though I couldn't really give much care to it.

" Henry, what is it? Why did Anne seem in the verge of tears?"  She quickly asked once we were out of mind and sight of the court. I ignored it and asked my own.

"Why have you been ignoring me? As if that kiss meant nothing to you, cause it sure as hell did mean something to me." She was taken back at my words taking a few steps back. I didn't mean to bun-bard her, but I needed to express myself to her.

She sat in silence for a minute almost thinking of her next move." It meant something to me as well, Henry." Her words were music to my ears. " I had no intention of feeling this way I feel for you, especially to my sisters husband. I could never betray her or my family-." I cut her off .

" Even if all they see of you, is nothing but a useful object to gain more power. Your father would marry you off to the King of Spain, if it meant he would be given more power than he has." I snarled at the thought of that wench of a man.

" They are still my flesh and blood. If you really loved me Henry, then prove it. I don't want to be another one of your whores or like my sister and your late ex-wife. You threw Catherine of Argon in the dirt, once you realized her womb was of no use to you. You might as well do it to my sister. I won't be drawn to that fire, if you want me, then change for me. Be a better man then any king has." She yelled pointing her finger at me.

I was taken back by her words, but realized she was right. All this time, all I wanted was a son. Maybe having Elizabeth meant more to me.



So sorry I haven't been posting, been extremely busy. Thank you all, so much for almost a thousand reads!!!!! I will try to post more chapters soon!

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Bye for now 👋

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