Chapter 9: fruit loops

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Draco looked at Harry oddly, what did he mean? why was he suddenly so cold? The blonde was utterly confused.
"Guess I'll have to be prepared then, huh? I doubt you could break me." the boy said a bit cockily.

"We'll see about that. I HAVE heard that before, you know." Harry said wierdly as his grin went lopsided. Before Draco could ask what he meant, the psychopath began walking again. He has already gone back to his usual self and it made the blond get wiplash.

Draco had to slightly jog to get next to the boy, and they headed towards Florean Fortescue's Icecream Parlor. when they got there though, Draco had to conceal his heavy breathing because Harry had moved at a practically inhumane speed, which was confusing considering the boy was wearing healed boots.

Harry ordered a mocha-chocolate single scoop Icecream and Draco ordered a strawberry-vanilla swirl with two scoops (A/N: I'm pissed at myself for making Draco's ice cream strawberry, as I'm allergic and it sounds so good(ㄒoㄒ))

When they got their ice creams, they headed toward a table outside the shop. What the blond albino wasn't expecting, was for the black haired boy to turn the chair around and straddle it with his arms on tops of the backrest. He didn't show any signs of embarrassment, nor did he seem to care that people looked at him incredibly oddly. Draco was almost jealous of how he seemed to not care about what others think; but he couldn't be the same way or there might be problems with his family, he had to filter himself, whether it be slightly, or entirely.

"So, little blond dude, what did you want to talk about?" Harry said while shoveling a scoop of ice cream into his mouth. Draco turned bright red at the nickname. "Well, to-tall-for-his-age vampire, I was thinking we could start with getting to know eachother a, what Hogwarts house do you think you are going to be in?" He said with his eyes slightly sqiunted in accusation.

"Slytherin. You?" Harry said completely ignoring what Draco called him. "Same as you.." Draco answered, but his eyes were opened wide as a prostitutes mouth. He wasn't expecting that answer because of all he had heard about Harry Potter and how all the Potters were sorted into Gryffindor; Though he really shouldn't have been surprised, with how different Harry was from the books and articles, and especially from how different he was from how Dumbledore had described him.

Harry grinned all the same and Draco's calmed down slowly. They ended up talking until it was almost dark, there ice cream long eaten already. Draco had started to realize just how insane Harry truly was, but what confused him, was how he didn't mind it; And Harry was thinking how different Draco was from his past life just because Harry had talked to him differently.

The sun was almost set and they were laughing at something Harry had said, when they heard a almost monotone voice from besides them.

"Draco, why have you been out so long? and who is this?" The man said. Harry looked at the man. Lucious Malfoy, the one who had tried to kill him, was right there, standing next to Narcissa, his wife...... He couldn't care less though.

"Hello father, Mother. I must have lost track of time. This is-" Draco was cut cut off. "Harry Potter Peverell, nice to meet ya, Draco's Parents." The boy in a straight jacket said.

Their eyes widened ever so slightly, a normal person wouldn't have noticed this, but Harry being Harry, most definitely did.

"Likewise... I'm Lucious Malfoy, and this is my wife Narcissa." The older man who practically snogged conditioner everyday said with a half sneer.

"Your hair is on point, I can't lie."  Harry said as he got up and circled the two adults, looking curiously at their hair. He walked In front of lucious and with a abrupt stop, he got a contemplating look in his eye and got close to the mans face. Before Lucious could backup, Harry said something that made the two adult's stop in their tracks and Draco spit out his drink in a laugh he couldn't stop.

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