Chapter 21: Coffee is love and life •_•

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Harry lay in bed wide awake, eyes glaring at the ceiling. Of course he couldn't sleep, how foolish he was to think that he would be able to just this once.

I mean, of course he wouldn't be able to sleep just because he's so sleep deprived and exhausted that he might actually pass out, who do you think he is?

Harry groaned and sat up, silky sheets pooling at his hips. His smooth skin grew ticklish at the feeling of sheets rubbing against them, but Harry ignored it.

His nearly naked body moved across his dorm in stride, functioning in ways it shouldn't be able to at this level of sleep deprivation.

He needed coffee. But it was only 3:40 in the morning. Looks like he'll have to resort to that method.

It may be kind of weird to the average person, acting so casually after breaking into a supposedly secure corridor in a magic school to put a giant puppy to sleep, play chess, steal the sorcerers stone, and dance with a bunch of keys cosplaying birds.

But to Harry? This was even more normal than his average weekday. Especially the no sleep part.

Harry doesn't sleep, and when he does...he wishes he hadn't.

Harry showered thoroughly, scrubbing his skin a beet red until he was sure there was no germs or gunk left on him. Even though he had already done this two hours ago when he got back from his makeshift heist.

He threw on some lounge clothes and started his journey.

'We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship, flying through the sky, I hope you crash and die~ or something like that'

It felt like the snores resonated through Harry's head as he walked by the room of pre pubescent idiots. Damn them. Sleeping so fucking peacefully like the happy little shits they are.

Snape sat on his chair sideways, book in one hand and coffee in the other. He hadn't slept in two days. Coffee was the only thing keeping him going.

His hair was once again pulled up, reading glasses sitting comfortably on his face and dark comfortable clothes replacing his usual robes. This was a nightly routine for him.

Well, everything except a corpse looking kid knocking on his door with a bombastic side eye demanding coffee.


Snape sighed, he could already feel a migraine starting.

"Mr Peverell, why are you awake at such an atrocious hour knocking on my door?"

Harry just stared through his soul.

"I don't know, why are you awake at such an atrocious hour reading while looking like a bloody librarian. Same reason as me. In-som-no-a. Now coffee. I know you have a machine in there, I can smell it."

Snape blanked. Usually he would have a snarky reply to something like that, but he had to admit...the kid was in the right. If Snape didn't have access to coffee for too long with this raging insomnia, he would pass out on the ground.

The kid coming to the only place where he could get the life giving liquid was no surprise. He would do the same.

Doesn't mean he liked it though.

Snape grunted and moved aside for the little shit to enter, in which the walking zombie did with no hesitation.

Harry's eyes landed on the love of his bloody life. A coffee machine. The smell of coffee beans in the air was already making his tensed, sore muscles loosen up a bit.

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