Chapter 13

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Meixong froze where they stood.

Many people passed through their floor, assistants, pages, and soldiers alike. It was kind of a given considering they chose their office to be an entire courtyard. They still placed their desk near a corner, but it was still out in the open. Oddly enough, it was more peaceful that way. The crowd stood spread out rather than inside the tiny tent they were given back at the Southern Camp, and the chatter of people passing by gave just enough white noise to block any unwanted thoughts from Meixong's head, letting them concentrate. Of course, it wasn't nearly as comfortable as their office in the Totari Estate, but a desk was a desk. Either way, if the noise did become too much, no one ever questioned it if anyone found them lounging in a storeroom, using a flour bag as a pillow as they read through a small book of documents. Sometimes Rin was there too, sitting on a crate and giving an apologetic smile if anyone entered.

So they had the perfect view of a small group approaching their desk. At first, they were too engrossed in a conversation with Rin, their shoulder leaning against one of the many pillars surrounding the courtyard with a document in hand—the item they were discussing. The group grew closer, however, soon catching Meixong's attention. It didn't take them long to understand what was going on.

For one, typically only two or three people from a squad—or if they were anything like Darro Faen, one per platoon—approached their desk. It was an unspoken rule that a fewer number of voices meant a smoother conversation. This time, however, Darro led the charge, Nagan not far behind. On either side of Nagan was Sergeant Xien and another soldier Meixong would surely recognize if the name was mentioned, and Az brought up the rear.

Two, there were many things about Nagan to be concerned about. An off-white cloth looped around Nagan's neck and across his torso, preventing his left arm from moving. While Meixong couldn't see what kind of injury Nagan had, it was clear it was severe enough to be put in a makeshift sling (We should add that to items medics normally carry, they noted, but that thought was packed away just as quickly as it appeared.). Another bandage was plastered against the left side of his neck. And above it all, Nagan's sword and cloak were noticeably missing, meaning he had been stripped of them before arriving.

Seeing that Meixong had abruptly stopped talking and was looking past him, Rin turned around as well, his eyes growing wide at Nagan's condition.

"Nagan! What happened to you?" Rin exclaimed and took a few steps forward, only to be stopped by Darro.

"I'm afraid I can't let you close, Valrin." Darro turned their attention to Meixong. "The only reason why his wrists aren't bound is because of his injuries."

Rin stared at Darro for a few seconds, processing everything he said before risking a glance at Nagan. At that moment, everything came together in his mind, and his lips pressed into a thin line as he turned back to Darro with a hard glare. He kept silent, however, and even took a step back to physically keep himself on the sidelines. This was something out of his control and something Meixong needed to take care of themself. Meixong always did, and they hadn't failed him yet.

Darro then looked over his shoulder, giving Az a disapproving stare. "I'm no medic, but if Elvar can stand, I'm sure he's in no need of a medic, Specialist Arcloven."

Az hesitated before cautiously making his way toward the front, giving Meixong a salute for good measure. Meixong had since moved behind their desk, watching the interaction passively as they leaned forward against it by their hip. A finger idly tapped against the wooden surface. But anyone who had worked under Meixong for more than a few months knew their mind was anything but idle. With a single nod, Meixong gave Az permission to speak.

"General Meixong," Az began, ignoring the way Darro's eyes burned holes into the side of his head, "Nagan is still a minor and a ward of the Arcloven family. As an of-age representative and future head of the House of Arcloven, I would like to remain with my family's ward, Nagania Elvar."

"General Meixong, I don't believe legal wardship has ever been given to the Arclovens," Darro cut in, only to be silenced when Meixong raised an eyebrow at him.

"Nagania Elvar has been under the roof and care of the House of Arcloven for over three years, giving him wardship by default. I happen to know the law very well. Do you?"

Darro muttered, "No, General."

Meixong stared down Darro for a few more seconds before turning their attention to Nagan, whose back straightened in an instant. "Do you wish for Icarion Arcloven to stay?"

"Yes," Nagan's voice cracked from the sudden use, and he cleared his throat before continuing. "I would prefer it if Icarion Arcloven stayed."

"Then Specialist Arcloven, I will allow you to stay. You will not be expected to speak, however, and are to simply act as an observer or to speak in Nagania Elvar's stead when requested or when told to speak. Are we clear?"

"Yes, General. Thank you." As Az walked past Nagan, he gave him a small, reassuring nod before joining Rin on the sidelines.

"Now that we got all that sorted out," Meixong began, walking around their desk to settle against the front of it, crossing one foot over the other as they leaned back onto their hand, "tell me why Lieutenant Elvar is being treated like a criminal."

"While staying at Rhonessa's Inn in the city of Leurial, Elvar was posted on nightwatch. He was the only one on duty, which was my mistake. It is believed Private Yulis was on the scene first, but everyone saw the same." Darro detached a sword wrapped in cloth from his belt and carefully set it on Meixong's desk. "Sergeant Rodas was dead in the halls with Elvar not far away. His sword was drawn and bloodied. No one else saw what happened except for Elvar, which...I know makes this case rather complicated."

Meixong stared hard at Nagan, making Nagan shift uncomfortably. He knew he wasn't in the wrong—he knew he was acting in self-defense—but as Darro said, no one else besides him and Rodas saw what happened. He kept his face neutral, however, trying to keep his mind calm. Meixong was never one to believe anything without undeniable facts unless they were left with no choice, and he knew they would at least give him a chance. When Meixong gave him an unconscious nod and stood to full height, Nagan wanted to release a sigh of relief. They were no longer idle.

"According to what Elvar told me once he was stabilized," Darro continued, "he did not know it was Sergeant Rodas who was attacking him. A shadow was over his face, and there was somehow a void around the area to the point where he couldn't cast any magic. By the time we had all arrived, however, there were no signs of this shadow or no-magic field."

Meixong, "So for clarification, Lieutenant Elvar is claiming self-defense while you are claiming otherwise?"

Darro almost startled at that, momentarily straightening his back. "I am in no position to make any claims. That is not my place. I really do feel pity toward Elvar and I don't wish anything severe to happen to him, but he needs to be judged accordingly. He knows better by now after being a soldier for some years. And, unfortunately, he is known for angry outbursts—you yourself, General Meixong, have witnessed them and punished him for it. It's not exactly a stretch that Elvar is capable of killing someone by accident."

Physically capable, but mentally incapable. "I know you just told me what Nagan told you, but I want him to tell me directly what happened." Meixong motioned for the guards to let go of Nagan. "And heavens above, someone get him a chair. I'm also not a medic, Faen, but I know how much energy it takes to heal a severe wound."

Meixong tried not to react to Az's grateful look before he moved back towards Nagan, no doubt checking his arm for any aggravation. Rin, on the other hand, had the common sense to remove the books from Meixong's chair and carry it over to Nagan. After a bit of shuffling but still an acceptable level of efficiency, Nagan was seated with Darro, Xien, and the other guard standing around him while Az returned to the side. Rin, however, reappeared with another chair in tow, setting it behind Meixong. But Meixong didn't question it, sitting wordlessly. Now, they and Nagan were on equal ground.

"So, let's start this from the beginning," Meixong said, pretending it was only they and Nagan in the space and blocking out the others. They never forgot their roots as an interrogator, after all. "I don't care if you think the detail is insignificant or doesn't mean anything. If you thought of it, it's important to you in some aspect. Tell me everything from when your night shift began to after Rodas was killed."

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