Chapter 21

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The ringing in Nagan's ears grew unbearable as he stared at Darro, a sword plunged through the other lieutenant's chest

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The ringing in Nagan's ears grew unbearable as he stared at Darro, a sword plunged through the other lieutenant's chest. If he didn't step back, he would have been caught by the blade as well. But all of this could have been avoided if he had just—

You made your choice. Nagan couldn't breathe. He couldn't move. This is your choice. This—This is my choice.

Darro could only stare at the tear that trailed down Nagan's cheek, whether Nagan knew he was crying or not. He never understood why everyone was so lenient on the teen. Even before Darro began working with Nagan—both supposedly equal in rank—he heard of the many accomplishments the foolish, undisciplined boy had achieved. A cocky, near arrogant attitude came with it. He saw none of that now. As he looked at Nagan's blank, wide-eyed expression, all he saw was a child who had cracked long ago and was in the process of shattering right before his eyes.

Something gurgled in his lungs as Darro tried taking a breath in. "'s—"

A knife stabbed through his neck, and Darro collapsed.

It's all your fault it's all your fault it's all your—Nagan only watched as a miner repeatedly stabbed Darro's corpse, sloppy and frantic. His back hit the shelf behind him before he realized he moved at all. The repeated mantra overtook his thoughts as blood inched towards his feet. By the time he somehow managed to move back up the stairs and outside the building, he left red footsteps in his wake.

"Over there! Lieutenant Elvar!"

Nagan turned his head towards the commotion, recognizing them as Sergeant Xien's squadron. His shoulders relaxed at the sight of Az.

"Lieutenant Elvar," Xien slowed to a stop. "I'm glad you're alright. Both you and Lieutenant Faen disappeared by the time fighting broke out, and we feared you had been taken hostage or worse. Have you seen Lieutenant Faen?"

Az was the first to react when Nagan took a second too long to respond. "Nagan?"

Nagan looked back through the door, and Az rushed inside. Xien tried to follow along with the rest of the squad, but Nagan stopped them before they could.

"Only one person needs to confirm," Nagan explained, his voice much too calm for what happened.

Soon enough, Az returned, his hands stained with blood as he wiped them off with a once-white cloth. Before he stepped back outside, however, Az gave Nagan a long, hard look. But he said nothing, rejoining them outside as he gave Xien a solemn nod.

"Lieutenant Faen is dead along with a civilian." Az refused to look at Nagan again. "Lieutenant Elvar, did you know he was down there."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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