Chapter 29 - Snitch.

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{Song Of The Chapter ~ Baby Doll • Ari Abdul}

{Song Of The Chapter ~ Baby Doll • Ari Abdul}

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Earlier that day

"I agree, Mr. L/N. I am just as worried as you probably are right now,"
A teenage boy speaks into a landline.
"Those two misfits are nothing but bad news, who knows what they will turn Y/N into."

A different male voice was slightly raising his tone on the other line, his voice was deep and stern - belonging to the one person you were trying to avoid.

"You said they went into a janitors closet together, correct?"
Mr. L/N questions, making sure he had heard the boy correctly.

The teenager nods even though your father couldn't see him do so.
"Yes sir,"
The boy confirms.

Your father lets out a very irritated and furious sigh.
"I'll be sure she understands just how much trouble she is in once she gets home...thank you, Travis."

Present Time

There you laid, upon your bed trembling and sobbing your heart out. Your body covered in small and big bruises all over your arms, legs, stomach, and your back. Earlier, you had came home to a little 'surprise' from your father.

Somehow, he had found out you were talking to Sal and Larry at school today. Someone had seen you three together and had snitched on you to your father. You knew this would happen, you should have just ignored them. But something in you just wouldn't let you ignore them, a huge part of you wanted to talk to them, hug them, kiss missed them a great deal. Now you were left to deal with the consequences of your actions.

Your father had yelled a great deal at you, not only did he do that, but he also had pulled out his belt...I assume you can figure out the rest.

Your hair was messy and your clothes were disheveled. You were locked back in your room and you weren't allowed to leave your room at all anymore. Except to go to the bathroom, but that was it. Your only view to the outside world being your window now.

Your mother wasn't at home most of the time, understandably so. If you could, you would stay out of this house for as long as you possibly could.

Your father and mother were currently sleeping, it had to be around midnight now.

You were still up, your mind was racing too much to let you sleep. As you were laying in your bed you suddenly heard soft taps on your window. You ignored it for a minute, assuming it was just a bird or something, until they continued to happen and you heard a muffled voice.

You glanced up finally and saw a familiar face staring at you through your window. You gasped and jumped up out of your bed.

You muttered under your breath as you unlocked and opened your window. Sal smiled at you as he sat on your window sill.
"What are you doing here? You can't be here,"

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