Chapter 30 - Back At Square 1.

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{Song Of The Chapter ~ 9 to 5 Dolly Parton}

{Song Of The Chapter ~ 9 to 5 Dolly Parton}

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You woke up the next day inside Larry's bedroom. You glanced around the room, happy the night before wasn't just a dream. Hard rock posters and records were hung up on the walls, his bed was quite small considering it was just a twin bed but luckily it fit you and Larry. His cloths were randomly thrown on the floor, a single worn out brown bean bag chair was laying on the floor as well, along with a small book shelf, a lamp sitting on top of said book shelf, a TV, an easel, and a stereo to play whatever hard rock song he wanted from his large collection.

Sal had said goodnight to you before he went back upstairs to his bedroom because there wasn't enough room for him to cuddle you as well, not to mention his dad might get worried when he finds out he wasn't there.

Larry had his arms wrapped around your shoulder as your face was buried in his chest. It took you quite awhile to fall asleep last night, but something about having Larry there beside you made you feel safe. And with him cuddling you, it made you feel that much more at home.

Larry was still sleeping, so, you decided to just stay is his arms as to not awake him from his slumber. You tried to fall back asleep but couldn't, there was a subtle feeling of guilt eating away at you, not allowing you to get a single moment of peace.

You shouldn't feel guilty about leaving but you couldn't help it. You had left your mom all by herself back there and who knows how worried she might be when she finds you aren't in your room. You felt bad about leaving her, but, it was what had to be done...right? I mean, if I stayed there any longer I probably would have gone insane and become depressed from the isolation.

Still, guilt was very present in your heart. It wasn't your mothers fault this was all happening, sure she could have tried to do something, but knowing your father he probably terrified your mother into doing nothing to help you.

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Maybe I should go back? No. It would only get me in trouble.
But if I don't, she could be in trouble.

If something happens to her because I didn't go back, it would be all my fault, I would never be able to forgive myself. I couldn't let her get hurt for my own selfish reasons. But what am I do to? Sal and Larry won't let me out of there sight after what happened - so with them watching me like a hawk I wouldn't be able to sneak away to help my mother. They would catch me and they would never let me go back, so what do I do?

I need to come up with a plan or something. Or maybe I should just forget about this whole thing and stay where I'm safe. God, I don't know.

I was pushed out of my thoughts when I heard Larry groan, my gaze drifts up to his face and his eyes flutter open. He looks down at me, meeting E/C my eyes with his brown ones, then smiles.

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