second meet

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clawd ☠️💗:
you were standing by your locker with your ghoul friends, talking about the new math test that was coming up. you weren't really listening though since you couldn't stop thinking about that jock you ran into yesterday.
"earth to (y/n)!" cleo shouted in your face, waving her hand. you jumped and looked at her, "sorry, what were you saying?" you asked and both her and clawdeen groaned in annoyance.
"meow, look what the cat dragged in," your sister said as she and the cat twins walked up to you all.
you rolled your eyes at the sight of your sister and held on tightly to your books.
"what's the matter sis?" toralai asked you, "your big bad wolf not here to protect you?" your eyes began to swell up with tears while she and the cat twins laughed.
"hey, leave her alone," a voice said from behind you. there stood clawd glaring at your sister and the twins. toralai rolled her eyes and walked away, sending clawd a little wink.
he huffed before turning to look at you, "are you okay?" he asked with a small smile.
you smiled with a nod, "yeah, thanks."
"that's our cue to leave ghouls!" cleo said to the ghouls and they all walked off.
awkward silence fell upon you two as you both stood there unsure on what to say.
"hey.....wanna maybe go for a walk?" clawd asked with a shy smile as he rubbed the back of his neck.
you nodded and smiled, "sure."
for the rest of the day, you and clawd walked around monster high, getting to know each other.

deuce ☠️💚:
you were nearly suspended yesterday but when the headmistress called your father who was hella mad, the topic of you being suspended faded and instead, you got a warning.
you now sat in class, working on some class work you had to make up. you were very stressed and could not focus due to the loud talking of your sister and her friends behind you.
before you could yell at them, the door flew open and in walked that boy from yesterday. a smile formed on your face while the teacher groaned, "yo what's up!" he yelled to everyone, making you laugh.
"quiet!" the teacher shouted as deuce walked to his seat which happened to be next to you.
"hey, you're the girl from yesterday. i'm deuce," he introduced himself with a smile.
"im (y/n) wolf," you said, shaking his hand.
"woah, you're related to my friends clawd and clawdeen?" deuce asked.
you nodded while slightly laughing, "yeah, they're my older siblings."
"nice," deuce nodded his head making you smile.
"im deuce by the way," he introduced himself again.
you laughed, "i know, you already told me."
his confident smile dropped and he began acting embarrassed, "right, yeah, i did. okay, cool."
"QUIET!" the teacher screamed, slamming a machete down right between you both, making the both of you jump.
what an ass.

holt/jackson ☠️❤️:
the following day, you could not stop thinking about that boy you ran into. you hadn't seen him once and it was making you sad.
the bell rang and it was finally the end of the day. you walked out with your friends and waved goodbye once you reached your locker. you quickly grabbed all your books before heading outside but you stopped when you saw the familiar face of the boy from yesterday.
you quickly walked over to him, "hey! where have you been all day?" you asked him, accidentally scaring him. he had dropped all his books, "sorry!" he apologized, bending down to grab them. you bent down too and the two of you touched hands, looking at each other.
you smiled while he only smiled a tiny bit before standing back up, "im sorry um, do i know you?"
your smile dropped as he stared at you, waiting for your answer.
"oh yeah, we met yesterday after i bumped into you and you monstered out at the sound of music," you told him.
"oh right, yeah. sorry about that," he nervously said, fixing his glasses.
"so wait, do you have two names?" you asked as the two of you walked down the hall.
"kinda. i'm jackson, the other guy," he sighed, "that's holt. the way better version of me."
"hey," you placed your hand on his shoulder, stopping him and he looked at you, "i like jackson way better."
his cheeks immediately heated up as he smiled and you smiled too.

valentine ☠️💘:
although you wanted to see the mysterious boy from yesterday, you also didn't. you had befriended his girlfriend, draculaura. well, you just assumed that was his girlfriend since she talked about him nonstop. though, you had no idea she was under a spell valentine had put on her. anyways, his 'girlfriend' made it very clear that they were together and happily in love. you rolled your eyes when you spotted them together. you couldn't stand seeing them in each others arms any longer so you headed to class.
you sat in the way back near lagoona and ghoulia, some girls you became friends with. they were friends of your sister.
the bell rang and class began. while the teacher was distracted, a certain someone walked in and spotted you, sitting alone, doodling in your notebook. he had this class too but was late due to draculaura. he broke the spell that was on her and now, his attention was on you.
he sat down next to you, "a little birdy told me you were lookin all over for me," you could feel the smirk on his face as you tried ignoring him after jumping like an idiot; you didn't even see him walk in.
"oh come on darlin, don't ignore me," he whispered and still, you ignored him.
he sat back in his chair, angered. he wanted your attention. he wanted you.
"i thought you'd be off somewhere with draculaura," you huffed before turning to look at him, "she made it very clear that you were hers. 'oh valentine, he's so special and so dreamy. i love him so much,'" you mocked draculauras voice making him chuckle.
"now darlin, she's not in the picture no more," his voice grew more attractive by the second as he leaned down toward you, "but you, you caught my heart and it can't escape."
your cheeks heated up as you smiled and looked away from him.
now that took you under his spell.

heath ☠️🧡:
heath has been bugging your brother deuce all day about you. he constantly asked if you were single, needed a ride home, wanted a ride home, wanted to hang and deuces answer for all was, "no, no, again no and no."
it was lunch now and some of the boys were playing graveball including heath. you had just wondered outside since you wanted to eat with your ghoul friends who were all seated at a picnic table. but before you could even greet them, the ball was launched your way, "sis look out!" your brother yelled and you gasped, holding your arms out, getting ready to protect yourself.
but you were never hit. you opened your eyes and lowered your arms and saw that the ball was now all ash and in front of you stood heath, a smirk on his face.
"oh my ghoul, thank you," you said while smiling, your hand on your heart.
"just going my job, gorgeous," he winked.
his wink made your knees weak but you quickly pulled yourself together, "so, i see you're playing graveball?"
heath nodded, "hell yeah we are."
a smirk formed on your face as you pulled out a ball from your bag and threw it to your brother who was down field, "game on."
heath could only smile as you ran off, joining in on game, "she's so epic."

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