Chapter One: Arrival

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The night air at Kuramo Beach was pierced by an otherworldly vibration, a sudden tumult that sent colors splashing across the skies of Lagos. A kaleidoscope of hues danced over the ocean, casting an eerie glow that turned the sea into a canvas of spectral light. The locals, accustomed to the tranquil lapping of waves, stared in awe and trepidation as the air itself seemed to shiver, resonating with an energy that was both enchanting and terrifying.

In the eye of this colorful storm, a figure emerged, suspended above the churning waters. Bimbi, the seventh son of Haziki, hovered weightlessly for a heartbeat before the harsh reality of gravity clutched him. He plunged into the cold embrace of the ocean, the vibrant portal snapping shut overhead, extinguishing its light as if it were a mere candle snuffed by the wind.

Engulfed by the black waters, Bimbi fought against the pull of the sea. His robes, once regal and shimmering, now threatened to drag him into the depths, heavy with saltwater. With each desperate stroke, he battled not only the ocean's embrace but also the crushing weight of his past—the accusations and the loss of his followers, sacrifices to his once-celebrated, now-reviled teachings.

Gasping for air, Bimbi's limbs flailed, propelling him towards the sandy shores. The land was harsh under his touch, the grains of sand gritty, a stark contrast to the smooth stones of Tugulanna. He staggered onto the beach, his every step a labored sink into the earth, leaving behind deep, waterlogged imprints—a testament to the distance he had traveled, not just across space but from his former life.

As he steadied himself, the wild symphony of the earth's ocean roared in his ears, far removed from the gentle harmonies of home. The air, tinged with the sharp tang of salt, replaced the delicate incense he once breathed. Blinking against the sting of the sea spray, Bimbi's gaze swept across his new world. Before him lay the twinkling lights of the city to the north, a beacon in the overwhelming darkness.

With each step towards the glowing horizon, Bimbi moved further from the world he had known and closer to the revelations of his true identity. Each footprint in the sand marked his passage from prophecy to uncertainty, from a heralded healer to a fugitive of faith. In his heart, a tumult of loss and hope mingled, the echoes of his followers' untimely deaths haunting his resolve. Yet, with the city lights beckoning, Bimbi pressed forward, towards answers, towards a new destiny, on Earth.

The shore gave way to a ramshackle tent stitched together from bamboo and tarp, under which sat four figures gathered around a bonfire. As Bimbi approached, the soft crackling of the fire mingled with the distant sound of city life, the night draped in a mix of serenity and underlying tension, the flickering flames of the bonfire danced across the faces of the four humans gathered around it. The seated man, his cheek etched with a scar, eyed Bimbi with a mix of curiosity and caution. Two of his companions stood behind him, their faces tense, while the third leaned against the tent pole, his eyes fixed on Bimbi with a hint of fascination.

For a moment, Bimbi remained silent, his gaze sweeping across the group as he analyzed these humans he had never seen before, his first real glimpse of Earth's inhabitants sparking a mix of curiosity and caution. Three of the men stood loosely around the fourth, a scar-faced individual whose authoritative presence marked him clearly as the leader. The scar-faced man spoke up in a deep, raspy voice, his Nigerian pidgin laced with a hint of wariness:

"ehn ehn Wetin happen? You miss road?."

His face, etched with lines of hardship and command, turned sharply towards Bimbi as the visitor's quiet scrutiny continued. The mood shifted palpably as two of the standing men stepped back, their movements hesitant, eyes wide with a mix of fear and awe. They had seen the dimensional portal, a spectacle too grand to fully understand, and the glowing figure before them now bridged their disbelief with reality.

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