Chapter Three: Reunion

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As the first light of dawn broke over the bustling streets of Bariga, the neighborhood slowly stirred to life. The air was filled with the familiar sounds of morning: the distant calls of market vendors setting up for the day, the rhythmic hum of motorcycles weaving through the early traffic, and the lively chatter of residents beginning their day.

Bimbi, now a recognized figure in the community, navigated the lively streets with a sense of purpose. His mornings had developed a new routine—visiting the local cafe to immerse himself in martial arts tutorials he had discovered on a YouTube channel. The videos had captivated him, and each morning was now dedicated to learning, followed by afternoons of practicing at Boye's house, turning theory into action.

Startled, Bimbi paused mid-step, his heart racing as he scanned the crowded street. His eyes landed on a familiar figure standing by a barber shop, his presence like a beacon amidst the chaos of daily life. "Azibo!" Bimbi exclaimed with a mix of surprise and joy. His voice carried over the murmur of the morning crowd, drawing a few curious glances from passersby.

Without a moment's hesitation, Bimbi dashed across the street, weaving through the early risers. As he reached Azibo, they embraced warmly, a reunion filled with emotion and relief. The embrace spoke volumes of their shared past and the trials they had both endured.

"It was the signals, right?" Bimbi asked, pulling back slightly to look Azibo in the eyes, his expression alight with excitement and curiosity.

"Yes, the heavens relayed your message to me, and that's how I could find you," Azibo confirmed, his voice tinged with a mixture of wonder and gratitude.

"Come, let's find a place we can talk. I have so much to tell you," Azibo said, gesturing towards a quieter spot away from the bustling street. His tone was serious yet comforting, promising answers to the many questions Bimbi harbored.

As they walked away from the barber shop, the people of Bariga watched, their expressions a mixture of respect and curiosity. To them, Bimbi was not just a visitor but a hero who had quickly become an integral part of their community's tapestry. His actions had spoken loudly of his character, and his reunion with Azibo was yet another chapter unfolding in the remarkable tale of the son of Haziki.

As Bimbi and Azibo found a quiet spot to sit, they chose a bench beside a pepper seller, whose vibrant reds and greens added a splash of color to their serious conversation. The area was busy, but the murmur of the market provided a discreet backdrop for their discussion.

"I can see the people here already know you," Azibo remarked, observing the nods and respectful smiles directed at Bimbi from passersby.

"Yeah, I had to step in for a friend. It turned out I can't live in hiding," Bimbi replied, his voice carrying a mix of resignation and acceptance. He had become a part of this community, emerging from the shadows to make a difference.

Azibo nodded, his expression growing solemn as he leaned in closer. "Which leads me to the things I discovered on my journey," he began, his voice lowering. He paused, ensuring their conversation remained private amidst the bustling market scene. "The prophecy in Tugulanna about the beast is the same here!" he continued, his face taut with seriousness. "I found in one of their scriptures on this planet, and according to the scripture the dragon from the prophecy is here on this planet right now, living among the people, that it is here he will gather his army to invade heaven. What this means for all of us is that under the dragon's rule, No freewill. There will be imbalance throughout the cosmos, which might cause the extinction of all living things." Azibo's tone was passionate, underscored by a grave concern for the fate of not just their world, but all worlds.

Bimbi listened intently, his brow furrowed under the weight of Azibo's words. The prophecy's implications were dire, and his own role within it—a label he had long fought against—loomed large and ominous. After a moment of heavy silence, Bimbi voiced the fear that had haunted him since their departure from Tugulanna. "What if... What if the council of elders is right that I am the beast?" His voice cracked slightly, the strain of his thoughts evident. He paused, gathering the courage to voice his deepest fears. "I mean, even among the people of Tugulanna, I'm an outcast! You were there, Azibo! We both witnessed how innocents were killed because of me. How is that not a sign?! " His question hung in the air, laden with pain and the burden of past accusations.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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