A New Wolf?

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I get in quietly not saying anything more, I can't bare it. I don't even know where he's taking me, but he's my brother in the end. He's never in the 4 years come to see me, why? I really want that question answered.

He and Laura saw each other every now and again after he moved out when he turned 18 but he never came to see me. we didn't argue much so I couldn't figure out why, and now he's here after all these years.

"There's a new alpha in beacon hills" Derek states, but I don't plan on saying anything, not quite yet "This alpha-" as he talks I can smell the anger and disbelief radiating from him "he bit this teenager"

well that's great as if I and laura didn't have enough problems to deal with already, thinking about her I finally decide to talk to my brother and ask

"wheres laura?" he doesn't reply but I can hear his heart racing, he tries to control it but even with an effort he can't hide the fact that it's not beating at a normal rate "why's your heart beating so fast"

"Jane-" he started but doesn't continue

"Did something happen to her" he doesn't say anything but I can sense that he's upset "please Derek, did something happen?"

"I'll explain at home.." he finishes at that and I can't believe him. only now do I start to recognize the direction in which we are going, he's taking us to our house, the one that fucking burned down, why, I don't need those memories right now

"why here?" I ask quietly but my brother still hears

"that's where he'll come looking for me when he starts to change" was all he said, GREAT.

The rest of the car ride was silent, neither of us talking, lovely reunion this is. As we pull up to the once lovely driveway I look out of the window spotting a purple wolfsbane flower, I don't think too much of it until I open the door to leave. I get a familiar scent, my sister. I then speak:

"Is laura here? I can smell her scent" I say bearly looking at my brother

"listen-" he says with a pause "The hunters, they got to her" I haven't seen her since yesterday morning, I look at the news notification I have gotten with disbelief I read 'half a body belonging to a 20( or so)-year-old female, she was found by 2 hikers' I look up at him 

"is she-" I say not believing the unfortunate event that has taken place, "haven't they done enough damage to our family," I say out loud in frustration 

"I'm sorry Jane," he says calmly but I can't shed a tear because I can't be weak so I just stare into space. six years ago I lost my family in a fire set by the Argents, and now some hunters decided to slit my sister in half, and they say were the animals.

"but her scent" I mention in disbelief

"the police found half her body, the other was left unfound. The boy that got bit, he and his friend were looking for it in the forest I think. how they knew about it so fast I'm not sure but they found her" he says while I look in disbelief 

"The wolfsbane?" I ask 

"yes" he answers knowing where my question was leading. Derek buried Laura under wolfsbane (most probably attached to rope creating a spiral) to prevent her from shifting. He also did that to signify his intent to kill whoever killed her which is understandable. Were going hunter-hunting.

"Will you be staying here? or are they going to send me to some random family?" laura was my legal guardian after the fire and now that she's gone it's either Derek taking on the lovely responsibility or me being put into the foster system, great.

"I'll be staying, someone needs to keep an eye on you" he responds, really brother? really? after 4 years you decide to care now?

"Okay, but Im not staying in this dump, I'm going to the hotel," I say

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