Chapter 12

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"  And indeed, if a scandal does erupt at Lady Bridgerton's party, those of us who remain in London may be assured that any and all titillating news shall reach our tender ears with all possible haste.

With so many notorious gossips in attendance, we are all but guaranteed a full and detailed report. "


"So it is all going well then?", Daphne asked, walking into her brother's study.

He was once again working, hoping to finish as much as possible before joining the family for dinner.

"I do believe so", Anthony replied, looking up briefly from his papers.

"Princess Amelia appeared to be having a lot of fun at Pall Mall", Daphne continued, picking up a book from his desk.

"Of course", Anthony replied. "She won, after all".

"Yes, it was all very rather clever of her, don't you think?", Daphne asked with a smile. "She will make a wonderful addition to the family".

"I hope so", Anthony replied. He put down his papers. "Although, I was surprised she played for as long as she did. With all of you playing alongside her".

"What do you mean?", Daphne asked, sounding insulted but she was smiling.

"It is of no matter", Anthony replied, picking up the papers again and changing the subject. "She did not need to win a stupid game to win my heart".

"Who are you and what have you done with my brother?", Daphne asked, leaning on the desk.

"Oh, Daph", Anthony shrugged, and returned his attention to the papers, hoping she would go away soon.

"Amelia is... Amelia is Amelia", Anthony continued, speaking up out of the blue after both of the siblings had been in silence. "She is interesting, she is witty, she is intelligent and beautiful, and insightful. She is wise, generous and considerate. Amelia is confident and honest, and honorable".

Anthony fell silent for a moment but then continued talking. "She is amiable, brilliant, enchanting, elegant... she can be vexing and irritable, and absolutely frustrating. She drives me mad every time I am left in her presence. She is confident, and gregarious... and a million other things that I cannot think of".

He turned to look at his sister. She was smiling softly at him.

"You've met her", Anthony continued and shrugged. "You know this".

He turned back to look at the papers, continuing to read the writing with half a mind. The other was now focused singularly on Amelia.

Particularly her eyes. Her beautiful, bright eyes. They held the truths of her soul.

"If you say that she is the one for you, then I have no objections", Daphne said, walking towards the bookshelf behind her brother and pulling out a random book. "If you say she is the one in whose presence you cannot properly think... or even... or even breath... If you say you feel that feeling...".

Anthony looked up his mind completely on Amelia now.

"Feeling?", Anthony asked.

He did not feel anything for Amelia Windsor. He couldn't. She vexed him, she irritated him, she frustrated him, she aggravated him, and she made him stumble over his words and thoughts. She made his mind stop and he could not think of any comeback.

He hated that.

"What feeling?", Anthony asked. Daphne looked up from her book.

"The one that makes it impossible for you to look away from them at any moment", Daphne explained, like it was obvious. "When your body and soul feel as if they are going to burst into flames whenever they are near. When all you are able to do in their presence is to fight the urge to lean forward and touch their lips with your own".

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