Chapter 3: Encounter With Death

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A bright glow of light appears up in the sky before darkening and dissipating followed by a figure descending in full force, diving on the cracked street, darkness surrounding its area of impact.

"Who the hell..." I mumble, pushing the dark fog out of my face.

As a resolution to the problem, I enable my night vision but still see nothing. Only after the darkness slowly dissipates can I finally see the silhouette who rises and looks at me.

The figure standing in front of me is wearing stained dark long robes, its head covered and its face pitch-black devoid of any image. In addition, it boasts two dark grey wings and two sickles. I can't see its legs either, it appears to be floating in the air.

"That looks like a...!" my Captain lets out.

"An Angel?!" the voice on the radio jumps in.

The figure looks to the side and almost begins its march forward, but I stand in front of it and block its path.

"Are you meant to be some kind of reaper?" I ask.

It looks at me and brandishes its sickles before taking off into the air, leaving a trail of darkness behind it.

It's headed for the Palace of Westminster. I put two and two together and make up my mind: I won't let this happen.

At a moment's notice, I jump with great force and manage to latch onto the creature, steering it off its path. It tries to shake me off and even get me with its sharp sickles resembling a reaper's weapon of choice, but I easily avoid them. After all, they are huge, and not hard to evade, especially with their windup time.

With my strength, I manage to overpower the creature and force it to crash straight into the pavement a couple of hundred metres away from our initial take-off position. However, I'm taken by surprise as it throws me a couple of feet away but doesn't seem to take into the skies.

"Angel, huh? You don't look so heavenly to me," I say.

Does it know what'll happen if it tries to take off? Good. Now to figure out who it is. Speaking of that, one person could help me out here.

"Nemesis!" the voice says as if on call.

"Got any idea who this is?" I ask.

The so-called Angel keeps staring in my direction, even though I can't see its face.

"We ran some quick signature matches, and we believe that's an actual Angel! More specifically—The one standing in front of you is Abaddon, the Angel of Death! The legends describe him as a fallen angel who—"

"Abaddon, huh? Since when have signature scans become so advanced to tell names?" I ask rhetorically.

I look at the fallen angel.

"You can speak for yourself, can you not? Even your 'buddy' Astaroth can speak," I say.

No response. Can it even talk?

After a moment, it opens its arms and crosses its sickles as a painful sound echo through the air, dampening even me for a moment. Darkness begins filling the air as I dash at Abaddon but only hit pitch-black darkness, unable to locate him. Urgency grips me instantly.

"Damn it, stop him! He's focused on the survivors inside the building!" I call out.

"We can't, this darkness—it's making it hard to move! What the hell is this?!" my Captain responds, but I cannot see anyone. I can hardly see my arms. I try to jump into the air above the cloud but quickly find out that the same effect this phenomenon is having on my fellows is also affecting me.

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