1. The Start.

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CHILLS went through Agent Bill Fred's body. In the history of such a calm and peaceful town as Benrov, nothing as unthinkable as murder has ever being done so brutally.

The way the body was positioned around the scene was enough to make his stomach turn for weeks but he had to control himself because he knew this was not going to be the last of these killings.

At least they found all the body parts this time, He thought.

The sound of sirens and police officers everywhere suddenly made him love his job even more. Even though it is not always a pretty sight to see, it's what he signed up for, right?

"Detective's here." An officer says to him.

"Okay." And so the case of three lives lost begins.

This case needed the interference of the FBI because this is the killer's third strike. So much for the peace of the town.

"Got the victim ID'ed. Name's Marla Shay, mother to three kids,age fourteen,ten and seven respectively, she and husband got divorced six years ago, works as an estate agent and hasn't paid her tax in four years." Agent Douglas told Bill.

"Have you alerted the Mayor yet?" Bill asked.

"Yep, seem super shocked about the whole situation. Talking bout the peace of the people and all that." Douglas said with pity in his voice.

"He is still shocked. It's the third time, I mean. When he's ready to address the public, he will." Bill said.

"Yeah, probably."

"Oh and get Emma here. I need to talk her." Bill said, staring back at the crime scene.

Forensic photographers were still taking shots of the scene. The whole scene was surreal and still unbelievable to Bill.

"Nauseating,right?" Detective Ashley Emma said,coming from the crowd of police officers in the area.

"I can not tell you how much I feel like fucking throwing up right now." Bill said, taking his eye away from the body.

"Looks like she's in her early thirties." Emma observed,staring closely to the victim face.

Bill always knew Emma to be this fearless detective who didn't give two fucks about what anybody says and always trusted her instincts, he was glad to see she never changed.

"This person is a real pyscho. Someone playing with people, don't you think detective?" Bill said to Emma.

Emma turns to Bill, unsure if he's playing or just simply being dumb.
"So you think that the guy in question here who dismembered the bodies of three women in three days in a town where there has not been any crime activities in over a decade and who is probably still gonna kill more was just playing around?"

"Well.....When you put it like that.."

Emma rolled her eyes at Bill.
"Thank God I'm the one running this,not you."

"Yes boss." Bill said, hand on his forehead in salute.

The atmosphere was just not clear to Agent Emma, for she feared for the safety of the people in her hometown. Now she was not sure about the killer's motives but she was sure of something. These murders were not random.

"Agent Emma, a relative of the victim is here," says the policeman holding the evidence bag containing the property items found on the victim.
"She says she is the best friend of our third victim. Not sure, but the lady looks a little out of space. Wanna talk to her before the press does?"

"The press is here?! Who called em?!" Emma yelled.

"Must have gotten a heads up from the locals," Bill said.

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