2.The unexpected.

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As the Tesla hums along the highway, Mackenzie and I have already settled in the seats, eating away on snacks.

"So are you ready for this, Kenz?" I ask, glancing over at her who is stuffing a handful of M&Ms in her mouth.

She grins, talking with her mouth full. "Absolutely! I've been counting down the days since we planned on this and I can't wait to start afresh in Benrov. New experiences right?"

I nod in agreement, also feeling a sense of relief over me. Leaving home is probably the best decision I'll ever make. I need to make a plan for myself and I can't do that if I don't get away from that toxic home.

"What about you? I know how badly you wanted this and it's finally happening. What are you gonna do when we get there?" Kenzie asks, her eyes lit with excitement.

"Well school, probably get a little job doing on the side. You know me, no matter what, I want a side hustle." I snorted.

"Yeah I know. Me too tho. I'll probably save for a small studio where we could film and apply for jobs as directors or something." She said.

"Yeah that would be fun. I can not believe it's happening." A sigh of rejoice just came over me and the brightest smile on my face.

"Reminds me of the time when we used to play dreams back in high school and we wrote those things we wanted back then in that book." She reminisces.

"Oh right! Boy, I wish we hadn't lost that book back then. I wonder what I wrote in there." I chuckled and said with wonder on my face.

"Oh well nothing's gonna stop us now. We have to stay focused cos we want this." She says with her hands tightly firm on the steering wheel.

"Easy there girl, you might punch me with all that positivity." I say laughing out loud.

"I hope this town is as good as it looks. I don't want no surprises."

"I know right. Well let's get there first and then judge. At least, to not be too negative." I say with assurance in my voice when my chest is beating four times as fast.

"Enough with all these sad talk, let's crank up this music and get moving." I put on Taylor swift's Cruel Summer and increase it as we are singing along at the top of our lungs.

Mackenzie's phone rings, which interrupts the music playing. "It's your mom." She says.

How she has Kenzie's phone number, I do not know.

"Hello Mrs Summers, how are you?" She asks.

She puts the phone on speaker. "I'm doing okay. I wanted to just ask about Kyla. She kind of stormed off yesterday. She said she was going to yours. Is she still there or she already left for Benrov? I'm assuming you know what I'm talking about." Says my mum.

"Um yeah, we are both on the road right now, on the way to Benrov, of course." Kenzie says, looking at me.

"You both? Benrov is quite far. Are you driving her there? Can I speak to her? I've been calling her, her phone's off."

I signal Kenzie not to hand the phone over to me. "I'm also heading to Benrov for college Mrs Summers and we are together here. We are fine. Um I'll tell her to call you when we get there, we are on the road right now, literally." Kenzie says, trying to put an end to the conversation.

"Oh right, okay then. I'll wait for her call or yours or I'll call back I guess." My mum says. "Good bye and good luck on everything."

The call ended and I let out a relived sigh. My mum is just...her.

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